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Thirst and Hunger MOD


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There may be some hardcore overhauls which have edited tables for food like that, though I don't know of them off-hand.

If you're just trying to increase the difficulty with food/drinks in general, you may be able to combine some other similar mods that may give you some satisfaction in that area.

khzmusik's Food_Spoilage - any food, not canned or preserved, will start to decay and spoil the food or drink (you can cook the spoiled water for clean water again at least).

SphereII and the crew working on the Wintereen overhaul and Winter Project, I believe touched up on khzmusik's Food Spoilage and has some additional effects with frozen, frozen foods, etc and spoilage as well. You can check out the overhaul or see if there is individual modlets in Spherell's repository on github. They have a link for it around here.

kAesirkin's Nutrition Buffs - This also touches upon foods and gives you buffs for your nutrition intake and, I believe, different foods now have different values to keep your nutrition levels good, otherwise you suffer in some way. I'll have to go back and check the details but it sounds like something that might help you.

Harry's Wellness - I believe this also adds similar functions, but useable with, kAesirkin's Nutrion Buffs. Foods affect it and depending on your wellness it also effects things like your healing times, etc.

You could then combine that with harder to craft mods, if you want to increase the difficulty of making the foods too.

As far as lists of reduced hp/stam, etc, without manually editing yourself, you may have to check hardcore overhauls and see if they have something like that and use theirs or, if the powers that be that dwell in the shadows here, have lists already made, they may be gracious enough to share with you or the public.

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