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4 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:


As someone who plays a lot of INT and subsequent hybridizations of INT, I couldn't disagree with you more.  Your examples are of a very narrow view of what INT is capable of.  But, this attitude is not that uncommon.  Plenty of people familiar with FPS style gameplay simply do not want to spend more time than they feel they need to in order to clear a structure.


INT builds are cohesion builds, that focus upon improving quality of life in game, have group establishing methodologies, and the lions share of area denial combat gameplay.  There are lots of little features as well, to mitigate what it looses out by not being a harvesting spec.   You make it up by the cost reduction of processing materials to a certain extent.  The concept of exploring Robotics is also not entirely true.  It's been thoroughly explored, but it needs to be re-balanced.   Many have made videos (including myself) where properly placed turrets and traps absolutely wreck and in some cases are VERY OP.   Just because you didn't find it useful, doesn't mean others haven't.   When using any attribute build you are not just simply bound to the weapons of any given perk tree.  I've employed non perked rifles, shotguns, and explosives to devastating effect when required to make up for a loss in crowd control.   A side by side comparison shows that the other perk lines do share a little bit of overlap, whereas none of them can do what INT does.  That makes it pretty unique.


You made assumption that ONLY you play int build and I haven't.



narrow view

Sounds slanderous insult without any content, which is majority of your gibberish is. (big words huh)

Just attempts to take childish pot shots with no substance.


Int builds are Perception builds or Strength builds its a video game where multiple skill trees are given for varying game play.

To see *balance* you compare investment of resource in this situation skill points and value that it provides. My orginal post did such where your post just rambled out with narcissistic self importance as king of the "int builds"


Majority of the game is spent exploring P.O.I's not in base or building. This isn't minecraft last I checked spending most of the day in base in inventory screen crafting some modded block. Which I suggested where turrets are useless if you can prove other wise I suggest you try


youtube.com and pick a youtuber or streamer showing otherwise.... maybe they are "king" of the int build using turrets while exploring P.O.I's



"It's been thoroughly explored, but it needs to be re-balanced"

Crazy you seem to agree but still want to say wrong odd how ego always gets in way.



The rest of the nonsense


but you can use another skill tree

Than why not just remove the int tree if your suggestion is to use another tree.





4 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:


As someone who plays a lot of INT and subsequent hybridizations of INT, I couldn't disagree with you more.  Your examples are of a very narrow view of what INT is capable of.  But, this attitude is not that uncommon.  Plenty of people familiar with FPS style gameplay simply do not want to spend more time than they feel they need to in order to clear a structure.


INT builds are cohesion builds, that focus upon improving quality of life in game, have group establishing methodologies, and the lions share of area denial combat gameplay.  There are lots of little features as well, to mitigate what it looses out by not being a harvesting spec.   You make it up by the cost reduction of processing materials to a certain extent.  The concept of exploring Robotics is also not entirely true.  It's been thoroughly explored, but it needs to be re-balanced.   Many have made videos (including myself) where properly placed turrets and traps absolutely wreck and in some cases are VERY OP.   Just because you didn't find it useful, doesn't mean others haven't.   When using any attribute build you are not just simply bound to the weapons of any given perk tree.  I've employed non perked rifles, shotguns, and explosives to devastating effect when required to make up for a loss in crowd control.   A side by side comparison shows that the other perk lines do share a little bit of overlap, whereas none of them can do what INT does.  That makes it pretty unique.


You made assumption that ONLY you play int build and I haven't.



narrow view

Sounds slanderous insult without any content, which is majority of your gibberish is. (big words huh)

Just attempts to take childish pot shots with no substance.


Int builds are Perception builds or Strength builds its a video game where multiple skill trees are given for varying game play.

To see *balance* you compare investment of resource in this situation skill points and value that it provides. My orginal post did such where your post just rambled out with narcissistic self importance as king of the "int builds"


Majority of the game is spent exploring P.O.I's not in base or building. This isn't minecraft last I checked spending most of the day in base in inventory screen crafting some modded block. Which I suggested where turrets are useless if you can prove other wise I suggest you try


youtube.com and pick a youtuber or streamer showing otherwise.... maybe they are "king" of the int build



"It's been thoroughly explored, but it needs to be re-balanced"

Crazy you seem to agree but still want to say wrong odd how ego always gets in way.



The rest of the nonsense


but you can use another skill tree

Than why not just remove the int tree if your suggestion is to use another tree.



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