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Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants







Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/35052-hybrid-learn-by-use-action-skills-10-xml-modlet/#comment-548667

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants







Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:
There are a number of general modifications and additions to gameplay. Most are subtle and may not be overly noticeable.
Some that might be handy to know when starting a game:
- 3 new GrandPa's recipes.
- Crouch aiming has benefits.
- Old Cash is a good source of fuel.
- Loot bags are around for a long time.
- Box up ammunition. Scrap anvils and crucibles.
- Airdrop loot has been rebalanced for no traders.
- Motorcycle doesn't ride like a wet noodle anymore.
- Tweeked biome spawns (relative to biome difficulty).
- Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.
- Can create brood nests to attract birds and get eggs.
- Vending Machines don't restock, they only have what they spawn with.
- Scrap ammunition, weapons and armour using recipes (A key - select recipe - W key).
- Tweeked weather patterns, daytime indoors is slightly brighter, nighttime outdoors is much darker.
- Jail Breakers now give over 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
- Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants







Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:
There are a number of general modifications and additions to gameplay. Most are subtle and may not be overly noticeable.
Some that might be handy to know when starting a game:
- 3 new GrandPa's recipes.
- Crouch aiming has benefits.
- Old Cash is a good source of fuel.
- Loot bags are around for a long time.
- Box up ammunition. Scrap anvils and crucibles.
- Airdrop loot has been rebalanced for no traders.
- Motorcycle doesn't ride like a wet noodle anymore.
- Tweeked biome spawns (relative to biome difficulty).
- Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.
- Can create brood nests to attract birds and get eggs.
- Vending Machines don't restock, they only have what they spawn with.
- Scrap ammunition, weapons and armour using recipes (A key - select recipe - W key).
- Tweeked weather patterns, daytime indoors is slightly brighter, nighttime outdoors is much darker.
- Jail Breakers now give over 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
- Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants


Version Info:
23rd Nov 2023 - 18th Sept 2024 [Alpha 21]
Versions 1.0 - 1.1.6.


18th Sept 2024

Version 1.2 - V1.0 release.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:
There are a number of general modifications and additions to gameplay. Most are subtle and may not be overly noticeable.
Some that might be handy to know when starting a game:
- 3 new GrandPa's recipes.
- Crouch aiming has benefits.
- Old Cash is a good source of fuel.
- Loot bags are around for a long time.
- Box up ammunition. Scrap anvils and crucibles.
- Airdrop loot has been rebalanced for no traders.
- Motorcycle doesn't ride like a wet noodle anymore.
- Tweeked biome spawns (relative to biome difficulty).
- Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.
- Can create brood nests to attract birds and get eggs.
- Vending Machines don't restock, they only have what they spawn with.
- Scrap ammunition, weapons and armour using recipes (A key - select recipe - W key).
- Tweeked weather patterns, daytime indoors is slightly brighter, nighttime outdoors is much darker.
- Jail Breakers now give over 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
- Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants


Version Info:
23rd Nov 2023 - 18th Sept 2024 [Alpha 21]
Versions 1.0 - 1.1.6.


18th Sept 2024

Version 1.2 - V1.0 release.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:
There are a number of general modifications and additions to gameplay. Most are subtle and may not be overly noticeable.
Some that might be handy to know when starting a game:
- 3 new GrandPa's recipes.
- Crouch aiming has benefits.
- Old Cash is a good source of fuel.
- Loot bags are around for a long time.
- Box up ammunition. Scrap anvils and crucibles.
- Airdrop loot has been rebalanced for no traders.
- Motorcycle doesn't ride like a wet noodle anymore.
- Tweeked biome spawns (relative to biome difficulty).
- Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.
- Can create brood nests to attract birds and get eggs.
- Vending Machines don't restock, they only have what they spawn with.
- Scrap ammunition, weapons and armour using recipes (A key - select recipe - W key).
- Tweeked weather patterns, daytime indoors is slightly brighter, nighttime outdoors is much darker.
- Jail Breakers now give over 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
- Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants


Version Info:
23rd Nov 2023 - 18th Sept 2024 [Alpha 21]
Versions 1.0 - 1.1.6.


18th Sept 2024

Version 1.2 - V1.0 release.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.


A mod balanced for game play without Traders.
This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you.


Special thanks to FilUnderscore. This mod incorporates FilUnderscore's Improved Hordes mod (*see end for details).
Special thanks to Khaine. This mod contain some code from Kaine's modlets (**see end for details).

Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew.
Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring this area to find new sources of weapons and supplies.
You've heard rumours that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.
Your objectives are to:
  - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
  - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
  - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe. 


Current Version 1.2 Download: https://github.com/JoeSloeMoe/SNT


Includes a small collection of stories and challenges that give a glimpse into the lives/deaths of other survivors.
    Grim Tales:
    1) Missing Patrol Car - break into a number of Cop Cars without lockpicking to engage.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak. Kill Streak resets on death.
    3) Pigeons Carry Diseases - pigeons: some people hate them and some people absolutely adore them.
    4) Interloper - keeping your eyes and ears open can lead to interesting things.
    Grim Tales is also available as a standalone XML modlet:


Changed progression tree to work alongside Action Skills - Learn By Use (Action Skills):
    Applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
    Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
    Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
    Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
    Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeepCuts, Hidden Strike
    Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics
    Learn By Use is also available as a standalone XML modlet:
There are a number of general modifications and additions to gameplay. Most are subtle and may not be overly noticeable.
Some that might be handy to know when starting a game:
- 3 new GrandPa's recipes.
- Crouch aiming has benefits.
- Old Cash is a good source of fuel.
- Loot bags are around for a long time.
- Box up ammunition. Scrap anvils and crucibles.
- Airdrop loot has been rebalanced for no traders.
- Motorcycle doesn't ride like a wet noodle anymore.
- Tweeked biome spawns (relative to biome difficulty).
- Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.
- Can create brood nests to attract birds and get eggs.
- Vending Machines don't restock, they only have what they spawn with.
- Scrap ammunition, weapons and armour using recipes (A key - select recipe - W key).
- Tweeked weather patterns, daytime indoors is slightly brighter, nighttime outdoors is much darker.
- Jail Breakers now give over 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
- Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.

Config Variables:
There are a number of config variables for the Survival No Trader mod. See buffs.xml and look for the line:
    <!--PLAYER CONFIG VARIABLES--> for more details on the various options.


The majority of the code free to use license (see caveat below) and is commented. If you use any of the code, a thanks would be nice.
This mod contains clearly marked code from Khaine and FilUnderscore. Their code can only be used with their permission as per their license agreements.


Special Thanks To:
*This mod integrates Improved Hordes from FilUnderscore:   https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/26781-improved-hordes-v10/page/17/?_fromLogout=1


**This mod also includes code from the following User Interface modlets by Khaine:
 - 3 Slot Forge from mod:KHA21-3SlotForge
 - 12 Slot Craft Queue from mod:KHA21-12CraftQueue
 - Set the max number of Zombies, Animals and Landclaim blocks in settings from mod:KHA21-SpawnsAndClaims (slightly modified for latest alpha-release ui changes)
 - Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls.
Khaine's modlets link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32007-khaines-a21-modlets-bigger-backpacks-lockable-slots-behemoths-random-wandering-hordes-etc/
This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpacks
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Pickup Plants


Version Info:
23rd Nov 2023 - 18th Sept 2024 [Alpha 21]
Versions 1.0 - 1.1.6.


18th Sept 2024

Version 1.2 - V1.0 release.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.



This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. It balances the game to reflect no trading or trader-questing. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you. Survival No Trader is not intended to be easier or harder than vanilla 7DTD, just slightly different. Some things are a bit easier, some things will be a bit harder.


Special thanks to Khaine and his work - this mod contains a couple of Khaine's QOL modlets.


This is an A21 compatible XML mod.
Can be used on existing maps but should start a new game.
The code can be used freely just be aware that some ui code is Khaines (commented as such in the xml) and is under his license.


Current Version 1.1.4 Download: Survival No Trader rar download

Repository Link


Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew. Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring the area to find new sources of weapons and supplies. You've heard rumors that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.


Your objectives are to:
 - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
 - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
 - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe.  

Changes and Additions:
*Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls (Khaine's code - link in next post*)
Removed Trader Quests
Removed Trader Buy/Sell ability
Removed Trader opening and closing sounds, Trader will now just cough in an annoyed manner before kicking you out.
Removed 'White River Citizen' and intro starter quests.
Added 2 mini challenges for unique one-of-a-kind end game items.  
    1) Missing Patrol Car - loot (lots of) Cop Cars with pickaxe for chance to kickstart.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak, see buff below.
Added buff that tracks current zombie Kill Streak. Triggers Mary's Revenge at 4000. Counter resets on death.


Added 3 new GrandPa's drink recipes. Crafted in campfire.
Gold, Silver and Diamonds all have the same (low) drop rate - used in the new Grandpa's recipes.
Added very small chance to get one of the new GrandPas recipes from the Vending Machines.
Vending machines dont restock. They only have what they spawn with.
Added additional mod slot to 'Top Level' Tier 6 items e.g. for T6 steel & military armour but not T6 leather or scrap armour. See info in next post**.
Added craftable broodnest for birds. Looks and behaves the same as general ground nests for eggs and feathers.
Reworked the Airdrop loot for no trader balance. A large portion of the Airdrop loot ignores lootstage. Small chance to get something good regardless of level.
Added Solarbank recipe (available at level 50). Small chance for a Solarbank in Airdrop loot.
Added small chance for Solar Panels in Airdrops and forced open Police Cars.

Adjusted Motorcycle traction so it no longer fishtails like a wet noodle, can now corner like you are in the TT races.


Small chance for a Bear to spawn in the Pine Forest (where else are they going to poop)
Small chance for a Dire Wolf to spawn in the Desert
Small increase in zombies in Desert, Snow and Wasteland biomes - relative to the biomes difficulty rating.

Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.


Changed how some mods are found in the world. Some mods dont spawn independently in loot anymore, they can now only be found as attachements on items that spawn in loot. The mods can still be crafted with their respective schematics. See info in next post ***.

Crouching now steadies your aim. Added ranged weapon effects when Crouching.

Modified the firing sounds of the Pump and Auto shotguns.


Added Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of the stats increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons.  Receive a bonus skill point when each Skill maxes at level 50.  See info in next post****.

        Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.

        Added config setting to turn off giving a free skill point when each Perk's Progress is maxed. (On by default).

        See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information

(Hybrid Learn By Use is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm by Khaine from the Darkness Falls mod://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/ )


Changed Awesome Sauce buff. Now adds 30 to base lootstage.
Changed Pumpkin Cheesecake buff. Now adds 5% to lootstage.
Changed Magnum Perk book 'Enforcer Intimidation' buff. Now adds 7 to base lootstage when holding any .44 weapon while looting.
Changed Cigar. Gives 10% to Block Damage instead of Bartering.

Reworked Better Barter - now craft various Kandy and get small % lootstage bonus with each level.
Jail Breakers now give a 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
Reworked Daring Adventurer - now craft bundle recipes for construction blocks to save 20% and up on materials.
Removed Sugar Butts.


Can burn OldCash for fuel, now has decent burn potential as it cant be used for trade.

Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.

Can scrap Anvils and Crucibles.

Can now recycle/scrap Tool and Weapon parts. Select either Recipes->Iron or Recipes->Scrap Polymer depending on the Part, then the amount to scrap .

Added ability to scrap ammunition. Select ammo and then select Recipes to create an Ammo Parts Bundle. Opening the bundle returns 75% of the ammo's construction costs.


75% chance to get a Filter from broken Dew Collectors.
75% chance of seed drop.
Extended the time loot bags stay in the world by a considerable amount.
Slight increase in chance for additional food, medical and murky water in select containers.
Adjusted Interior lighting.
Adjusted fog intensity in all biomes, reduced rain in Deserts and the Wasteland. Some other minor changes.
T4 and T5 Hardened Chests can be harvested for use as storage when chests destroyed (eg. with pickaxe)
Increased T4 & T5 chests storage size from 72 slots to 110.


////end Changes and Additions/////


This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - Wandering Hordes
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpack
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Night Vision Goggles changes
 - Pickup Plants


Also tested with:

 - Improved Hordes by FilUnderscore

Havent tested any other mods


See the posts below for changes, fixes and additions for specific version numbers.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.



This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. It balances the game to reflect no trading or trader-questing. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you. Survival No Trader is not intended to be easier or harder than vanilla 7DTD, just slightly different. Some things are a bit easier, some things will be a bit harder.


Special thanks to Khaine and his work - this mod contains a couple of Khaine's QOL modlets.


This is an A21 compatible XML mod.
Can be used on existing maps but should start a new game.
The code can be used freely just be aware that some ui code is Khaines (commented as such in the xml) and is under his license.


Current Version 1.1.4 Download: Survival No Trader rar download


Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew. Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring the area to find new sources of weapons and supplies. You've heard rumors that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.


Your objectives are to:
 - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
 - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
 - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe.  

Changes and Additions:
*Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls (Khaine's code - link in next post*)
Removed Trader Quests
Removed Trader Buy/Sell ability
Removed Trader opening and closing sounds, Trader will now just cough in an annoyed manner before kicking you out.
Removed 'White River Citizen' and intro starter quests.
Added 2 mini challenges for unique one-of-a-kind end game items.  
    1) Missing Patrol Car - loot (lots of) Cop Cars with pickaxe for chance to kickstart.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak, see buff below.
Added buff that tracks current zombie Kill Streak. Triggers Mary's Revenge at 4000. Counter resets on death.


Added 3 new GrandPa's drink recipes. Crafted in campfire.
Gold, Silver and Diamonds all have the same (low) drop rate - used in the new Grandpa's recipes.
Added very small chance to get one of the new GrandPas recipes from the Vending Machines.
Vending machines dont restock. They only have what they spawn with.
Added additional mod slot to 'Top Level' Tier 6 items e.g. for T6 steel & military armour but not T6 leather or scrap armour. See info in next post**.
Added craftable broodnest for birds. Looks and behaves the same as general ground nests for eggs and feathers.
Reworked the Airdrop loot for no trader balance. A large portion of the Airdrop loot ignores lootstage. Small chance to get something good regardless of level.
Added Solarbank recipe (available at level 50). Small chance for a Solarbank in Airdrop loot.
Added small chance for Solar Panels in Airdrops and forced open Police Cars.

Adjusted Motorcycle traction so it no longer fishtails like a wet noodle, can now corner like you are in the TT races.


Small chance for a Bear to spawn in the Pine Forest (where else are they going to poop)
Small chance for a Dire Wolf to spawn in the Desert
Small increase in zombies in Desert, Snow and Wasteland biomes - relative to the biomes difficulty rating.

Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.


Changed how some mods are found in the world. Some mods dont spawn independently in loot anymore, they can now only be found as attachements on items that spawn in loot. The mods can still be crafted with their respective schematics. See info in next post ***.

Crouching now steadies your aim. Added ranged weapon effects when Crouching.

Modified the firing sounds of the Pump and Auto shotguns.


Added Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of the stats increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons.  Receive a bonus skill point when each Skill maxes at level 50.  See info in next post****.

        Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.

        Added config setting to turn off giving a free skill point when each Perk's Progress is maxed. (On by default).

        See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information

(Hybrid Learn By Use is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm by Khaine from the Darkness Falls mod://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/ )


Changed Awesome Sauce buff. Now adds 30 to base lootstage.
Changed Pumpkin Cheesecake buff. Now adds 5% to lootstage.
Changed Magnum Perk book 'Enforcer Intimidation' buff. Now adds 7 to base lootstage when holding any .44 weapon while looting.
Changed Cigar. Gives 10% to Block Damage instead of Bartering.

Reworked Better Barter - now craft various Kandy and get small % lootstage bonus with each level.
Jail Breakers now give a 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
Reworked Daring Adventurer - now craft bundle recipes for construction blocks to save 20% and up on materials.
Removed Sugar Butts.


Can burn OldCash for fuel, now has decent burn potential as it cant be used for trade.

Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.

Can scrap Anvils and Crucibles.

Can now recycle/scrap Tool and Weapon parts. Select either Recipes->Iron or Recipes->Scrap Polymer depending on the Part, then the amount to scrap .

Added ability to scrap ammunition. Select ammo and then select Recipes to create an Ammo Parts Bundle. Opening the bundle returns 75% of the ammo's construction costs.


75% chance to get a Filter from broken Dew Collectors.
75% chance of seed drop.
Extended the time loot bags stay in the world by a considerable amount.
Slight increase in chance for additional food, medical and murky water in select containers.
Adjusted Interior lighting.
Adjusted fog intensity in all biomes, reduced rain in Deserts and the Wasteland. Some other minor changes.
T4 and T5 Hardened Chests can be harvested for use as storage when chests destroyed (eg. with pickaxe)
Increased T4 & T5 chests storage size from 72 slots to 110.


////end Changes and Additions/////


This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - Wandering Hordes
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpack
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Night Vision Goggles changes
 - Pickup Plants


Also tested with:

 - Improved Hordes by FilUnderscore

Havent tested any other mods


See the posts below for changes, fixes and additions for specific version numbers.





Survival No Trader (SNT) 7DTD XML mod.



This mod removes the ability to trade and get quests from Traders. It balances the game to reflect no trading or trader-questing. Traders are still present in the world as part of the storyline, they just ignore you. Survival No Trader is not intended to be easier or harder than vanilla 7DTD, just slightly different. Some things are a bit easier, some things will be a bit harder.


Special thanks to Khaine and his work - this mod contains a couple of Khaine's QOL modlets.


This is an A21 compatible XML mod.
Can be used on existing maps but should start a new game.
The code can be used freely just be aware that some ui code is Khaines (commented as such in the xml) and is under his license.


Current Version 1.1.4 Download: Survival No Trader rar download


Background: You are one of 4 siblings from the Harrington Clan out East. You run point for your crew. Your family is engaged in an extended war and the war brings you here. You're exploring the area to find new sources of weapons and supplies. You've heard rumors that this area is rich for the pickings, with both the Duke's gang and the Traders moving in to sift through whatever remains of civilization.


Your objectives are to:
 - establish a base that can withstand zombie attacks as a foothold for your clan in the territory.
 - disrupt the Duke's supply chain. Strip the good loot without tipping them off to your presence.
 - identify Trader locations. Map out the extent of their presence and capabilities. Determine if they are friend or foe.  

Changes and Additions:
*Includes the removal of all POI Names and Skulls (Khaine's code - link in next post*)
Removed Trader Quests
Removed Trader Buy/Sell ability
Removed Trader opening and closing sounds, Trader will now just cough in an annoyed manner before kicking you out.
Removed 'White River Citizen' and intro starter quests.
Added 2 mini challenges for unique one-of-a-kind end game items.  
    1) Missing Patrol Car - loot (lots of) Cop Cars with pickaxe for chance to kickstart.
    2) Mary's Revenge - triggered at a 4000 Kill Streak, see buff below.
Added buff that tracks current zombie Kill Streak. Triggers Mary's Revenge at 4000. Counter resets on death.


Added 3 new GrandPa's drink recipes. Crafted in campfire.
Gold, Silver and Diamonds all have the same (low) drop rate - used in the new Grandpa's recipes.
Added very small chance to get one of the new GrandPas recipes from the Vending Machines.
Vending machines dont restock. They only have what they spawn with.
Added additional mod slot to 'Top Level' Tier 6 items e.g. for T6 steel & military armour but not T6 leather or scrap armour. See info in next post**.
Added craftable broodnest for birds. Looks and behaves the same as general ground nests for eggs and feathers.
Reworked the Airdrop loot for no trader balance. A large portion of the Airdrop loot ignores lootstage. Small chance to get something good regardless of level.
Added Solarbank recipe (available at level 50). Small chance for a Solarbank in Airdrop loot.
Added small chance for Solar Panels in Airdrops and forced open Police Cars.

Adjusted Motorcycle traction so it no longer fishtails like a wet noodle, can now corner like you are in the TT races.


Small chance for a Bear to spawn in the Pine Forest (where else are they going to poop)
Small chance for a Dire Wolf to spawn in the Desert
Small increase in zombies in Desert, Snow and Wasteland biomes - relative to the biomes difficulty rating.

Modified Random Gen for new generated maps. Increased number and size of towns and cities on default and large maps.


Changed how some mods are found in the world. Some mods dont spawn independently in loot anymore, they can now only be found as attachements on items that spawn in loot. The mods can still be crafted with their respective schematics. See info in next post ***.

Crouching now steadies your aim. Added ranged weapon effects when Crouching.

Modified the firing sounds of the Pump and Auto shotguns.


Added Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of the stats increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons.  Receive a bonus skill point when each Skill maxes at level 50.  See info in next post****.

        Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.

        Added config setting to turn off giving a free skill point when each Perk's Progress is maxed. (On by default).

        See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information

(Hybrid Learn By Use is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm by Khaine from the Darkness Falls mod://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/ )


Changed Awesome Sauce buff. Now adds 30 to base lootstage.
Changed Pumpkin Cheesecake buff. Now adds 5% to lootstage.
Changed Magnum Perk book 'Enforcer Intimidation' buff. Now adds 7 to base lootstage when holding any .44 weapon while looting.
Changed Cigar. Gives 10% to Block Damage instead of Bartering.

Reworked Better Barter - now craft various Kandy and get small % lootstage bonus with each level.
Jail Breakers now give a 95% reduction to lockpicking time in addition to standard unbreakable pick buff.
Reworked Daring Adventurer - now craft bundle recipes for construction blocks to save 20% and up on materials.
Removed Sugar Butts.


Can burn OldCash for fuel, now has decent burn potential as it cant be used for trade.

Spotlights can now rotate on all axis for placement.

Can scrap Anvils and Crucibles.

Can now recycle/scrap Tool and Weapon parts. Select either Recipes->Iron or Recipes->Scrap Polymer depending on the Part, then the amount to scrap .

Added ability to scrap ammunition. Select ammo and then select Recipes to create an Ammo Parts Bundle. Opening the bundle returns 75% of the ammo's construction costs.


75% chance to get a Filter from broken Dew Collectors.
75% chance of seed drop.
Extended the time loot bags stay in the world by a considerable amount.
Slight increase in chance for additional food, medical and murky water in select containers.
Adjusted Interior lighting.
Adjusted fog intensity in all biomes, reduced rain in Deserts and the Wasteland. Some other minor changes.
T4 and T5 Hardened Chests can be harvested for use as storage when chests destroyed (eg. with pickaxe)
Increased T4 & T5 chests storage size from 72 slots to 110.


////end Changes and Additions/////


This mod has been tested to work with the following modlets from Khaine:
 - Wandering Hordes
 - 96 Slot Backpack
 - 60 Slot Backpack
 - Food and Water Bars
 - Night Vision Goggles changes
 - Pickup Plants
Havent tested any other mods


See the posts below for changes, fixes and additions for specific version numbers.


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