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8 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Yeah. I can point to an issue though, had a few moments and took at look at the log. 


This is complaining about some value being null when it tried to create a zombie cop, in layman's terms. Not sure which mod does what, but I see see a bloodmoon speed one. If you set a value that's outside the valid range, you'll get errors like that. You said you removed bloodmoons, maybe some mod referenced it or something. So, that's a general area to look for.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this.


There's a folder called "Force Bloodmoon and Zombie Move Speed" that's part of the mod pack and the description in the xml says "Sets bloodmoons to off and zombies to always walk for Romero Mod". This is supposed to automatically turn off Blood Moons. I checked the settings and Blood Moons were not set to Disabled but the Blood Moon day count was set to 0. After the Blood Moon happened I manually set it to Disabled. I haven't reached day 14 yet.


As for the cop, I believe the mod is supposed to disable cop spit.


8 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

If the error was being caused by the zombie cop (I can't access the log links while at work), you might have an older version of the mod.  This was an issue that cropped up, but Khaine fixed it and it seems to have gone away if you have the latest mod file.

I downloaded the A21 version that's in his opening Mod post here on the forum. I'll go through the post again. Maybe he posted the fix later on in the thread. 


EDIT: I just went through the thread and someone else posted the same exact issues as I'm having (null and music issues). 

Khaine said he couldn't reproduce the cop null and that was his last post on the subject. 



8 hours ago, Jugginator said:

Yeah. I can point to an issue though, had a few moments and took at look at the log. 


This is complaining about some value being null when it tried to create a zombie cop, in layman's terms. Not sure which mod does what, but I see see a bloodmoon speed one. If you set a value that's outside the valid range, you'll get errors like that. You said you removed bloodmoons, maybe some mod referenced it or something. So, that's a general area to look for.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this.


There's a folder called "Force Bloodmoon and Zombie Move Speed" that's part of the mod pack and the description in the xml says "Sets bloodmoons to off and zombies to always walk for Romero Mod". This is supposed to automatically turn off Blood Moons. I checked the settings and Blood Moons were not set to Disabled but the Blood Moon day count was set to 0. After the Blood Moon happened I manually set it to Disabled. I haven't reached day 14 yet.


As for the cop, I believe the mod is supposed to disable cop spit.


7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

If the error was being caused by the zombie cop (I can't access the log links while at work), you might have an older version of the mod.  This was an issue that cropped up, but Khaine fixed it and it seems to have gone away if you have the latest mod file.

I downloaded the A21 version that's in his opening Mod post here on the forum. I'll go through the post again. Maybe he posted the fix later on in the thread. 

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