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25 minutes ago, YourMirror said:

I translated Roland's somewhat long post for ya. You missed the part where its stated: "No help is needed" "When help IS needed, a professional consultant will be hired, not some forum guy".


So the answer to your question if you can help (in any way) is no. And since i know autism, i'll stress to you: No is no.

He didn't exactly understand the kind of help am offering and to be fair i probably didn't spell it out.  Essentially i cam to the forums to ask what's in this thread. 
I'd like to chip in help on the architecture side of things without anything in return except maybe some vague credit if possible.  I've been here since alpha 8 the pacing and runtime have both been so problematic that most their past unmet goals are a direct result of the architecture (which is easy to improve a great fair bit).  They aren't in the mood to hire, i'm not in the mood to work for money for various personal reasons, but I do have a skillset to offer which should generally chill out the fanbase and make everything easier for everyone.  If nothing else, at the very least, if i can talk to the lead engineer whom is responsible for the architecture and saying no to design decisions, I can share non 7d2d code specific advice and general experiences and articles that would fix this up extremely quick.  Practically in an alpha it'd be an immediate improvement with less work per proceeding alpha.




1 minute ago, YourMirror said:

I translated Roland's somewhat long post for ya. You missed the part where its stated: "No help is needed" "When help IS needed, a professional consultant will be hired, not some forum guy".


So the answer to your question if you can help (in any way) is no. And since i know autism, i'll stress to you: No is no.

He didn't exactly understand the kind of help am offering and to be fair i probably didn't spell it out.  Essentially i cam to the forums to ask what's in this thread. 
I'd like to chip in help on the architecture side of things without anything in return except maybe some vague credit if possible.  I've been here since alpha 8 the pacing and runtime have both been so problematic that most their past unmet goals are a direct result of this.  They aren't in the mood to hire, i'm not in the mood to work for money for various personal reasons, but I do have a skillset to offer which should generally chill out the fanbase and make everything easier for everyone.


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