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1 hour ago, Lamblaska said:



Hey Keesio. Nice you are enjoying the game.

My suggest to you is... don't look up to much, there's a lot of fun (and no shame) in learning the game. Now, regarding the specifics:

  • Nightime
    • Unless you have enough craft , base building or farming to do at night.... you hardly will be able to afford spending the night at home getting home and thirsty. 
    • Avoid high tier POIs (numbers of skulls) and focus on more easier POIs. or
    • Go grab materials, cut some trees (or those already cutter trees , that sometime can drop honey). or
    • Go mining or scrapping stuff. There's a lot of materials and XP in this.
    • Try to fight zombies using high places, such as walls, dumpsters... this will make it easier to fight them in small numbers.
    • Use stealth. Keep in mind that flashlights and torches mess up your stealth (as well as heavy armor such as scrap).
  • Scaling up difficult
    • Watch out for the biome you are in. Biomes scale the difficult considerably. Avoid snow and wasteland on the early game. If you feel confident, go to the desert, there's a good place to get yuccas for juices.
    • Build your first base (or horde base) at the forest in the begging. Building a horde base in other biomes will make it harder.
  • Regarding food
    • Bacon and eggs is indeed a saver for early game. Latter you will notice that the eggs will be more valuable for other recipes... always keep a few in spare.
    • Take some of your waters and make red tea with it, it's easy to find this plant and the red tea improves your digestion (slowing down your water and food consumption). 
    • There are some canned foods that are useless to cook. You can easily identity them dragging them to your inventory and checking if it has no "recipe" option (keep in mind that his recipe option only appear for items in your inventory, not in stashes). So they are good options to eat as you go (such as Chicken Ration, can of peaches, cat food).  
    • If you have some nitrate powder, rotting flesh and seeds lying around in your base. Consider build a few farming blocks and use those seeds. It's not much, but it helps a bit (farming block cannot have ceiling above it).
  • Regarding Magazines
    • Skills you unlocked affect the looting of magazines. 
    • Bookstores , offices, cafes will often have more looting for magazines (mostly in shelves and book piles). Some magazines are more likely to appear on specific places (such as forge ahead in cement mixers). As you play, you will get more used to identify good spots for specific magazines. 
    • As you said, mailboxes are great source of magazines too. 
  • Regarding walking speed
    • Heavy armor slows you down quite a lot. They are good for defense, but it is a big trade off if you don't have a bike to move around. 
  • Regarding loot
    • I usually build wood chests, mark them of map and store the less important materials there. Once I get a bike and a base, I go back and retrieve these stashes. 
    • Pockets are a great way to reduce your overburden. 
  •  Regarding Weapons tiers and quality
    • Your skill points will affect how the loots you find. If you get a skill to improve the usage of a certain weapon (let's say... dead eye for rifles) you will get more rifle craft magazines, more rifle crafting parts, and even some ammo. Spread your skills too much and you will not get what you want consistently. Improving the attribute or skill related to this attribute will improve a lot it's efficiency. 
    • Keep in mind that weapons work in tiers and quality. Tier is related to the material they are build (like... stone spear, iron spear, steel spear | pipe shotgun, sawed off shotgun, pump shotgun, auto shotgun). High tiers usually have higher damage outputs. But the quality has a strong influence how durability and and mod slots. 
  • Base location
    • Build your base not far from where you need to go. This way you avoid spending time walking around. 

Hope this will help you and not spoil you much. 


Thanks for this! It is a huge help! And perfectly non-spoiler. Yeah I've wasted many evenings just holding up. I feel like the game keeps hinting to you the nights are dangerous and you are better off staying out of sight. But it seems like a big chunk of unproductive time unless I am crafting and such. Even then I am scared to draw attention. Again maybe Darkwood freaked me out because in that game you must hole up at night and stay as quiet as possible 😛


However, one thing have spent a lot of time on is reading my journal and looking at recipes and stats. The game doesn't pause when I do that so I like to catch up on some reading at night. I kinda wish it did pause because I feel like I rush through reading things because of the time spent and miss a lot of info 


Oh man, yeah I learned the hard way about how difficulty ramps up in the other biomes. I tried going for an air drop somewhere south past some burnt regions and into some I guess wasteland and I got demolished. I ran in to get my bag and ran back out ASAP and haven,t been near since.


Speaking of difficulty, how does that ramping up work? Because I'm mostly in the forest area and recently I went back to near my starting area and it seems so much harder. Now there are vultures and I think I saw a dog too. I was expecting to breeze through that area but nope. I assume there is some level scaling but I'm still a relatively low level of 7. Does it get harder with simply each day? If so, then I really need to get my ass in gear.


Yeah I would love bacon and eggs but I think I need to find like 10 food magazines! 


Ok, so I need to focus on specific weapon types. I've been so indecisive on my skill points! Been spreading them around too broadly (this I should know better since I play a lot of RPGs and know you need to focus on a few skills).


Thanks again! To everyone on this thread! 



1 hour ago, Lamblaska said:



Hey Keesio. Nice you are enjoying the game.

My suggest to you is... don't look up to much, there's a lot of fun (and no shame) in learning the game. Now, regarding the specifics:

  • Nightime
    • Unless you have enough craft , base building or farming to do at night.... you hardly will be able to afford spending the night at home getting home and thirsty. 
    • Avoid high tier POIs (numbers of skulls) and focus on more easier POIs. or
    • Go grab materials, cut some trees (or those already cutter trees , that sometime can drop honey). or
    • Go mining or scrapping stuff. There's a lot of materials and XP in this.
    • Try to fight zombies using high places, such as walls, dumpsters... this will make it easier to fight them in small numbers.
    • Use stealth. Keep in mind that flashlights and torches mess up your stealth (as well as heavy armor such as scrap).
  • Scaling up difficult
    • Watch out for the biome you are in. Biomes scale the difficult considerably. Avoid snow and wasteland on the early game. If you feel confident, go to the desert, there's a good place to get yuccas for juices.
    • Build your first base (or horde base) at the forest in the begging. Building a horde base in other biomes will make it harder.
  • Regarding food
    • Bacon and eggs is indeed a saver for early game. Latter you will notice that the eggs will be more valuable for other recipes... always keep a few in spare.
    • Take some of your waters and make red tea with it, it's easy to find this plant and the red tea improves your digestion (slowing down your water and food consumption). 
    • There are some canned foods that are useless to cook. You can easily identity them dragging them to your inventory and checking if it has no "recipe" option (keep in mind that his recipe option only appear for items in your inventory, not in stashes). So they are good options to eat as you go (such as Chicken Ration, can of peaches, cat food).  
    • If you have some nitrate powder, rotting flesh and seeds lying around in your base. Consider build a few farming blocks and use those seeds. It's not much, but it helps a bit (farming block cannot have ceiling above it).
  • Regarding Magazines
    • Skills you unlocked affect the looting of magazines. 
    • Bookstores , offices, cafes will often have more looting for magazines (mostly in shelves and book piles). Some magazines are more likely to appear on specific places (such as forge ahead in cement mixers). As you play, you will get more used to identify good spots for specific magazines. 
    • As you said, mailboxes are great source of magazines too. 
  • Regarding walking speed
    • Heavy armor slows you down quite a lot. They are good for defense, but it is a big trade off if you don't have a bike to move around. 
  • Regarding loot
    • I usually build wood chests, mark them of map and store the less important materials there. Once I get a bike and a base, I go back and retrieve these stashes. 
    • Pockets are a great way to reduce your overburden. 
  •  Regarding Weapons tiers and quality
    • Your skill points will affect how the loots you find. If you get a skill to improve the usage of a certain weapon (let's say... dead eye for rifles) you will get more rifle craft magazines, more rifle crafting parts, and even some ammo. Spread your skills too much and you will not get what you want consistently. Improving the attribute or skill related to this attribute will improve a lot it's efficiency. 
    • Keep in mind that weapons work in tiers and quality. Tier is related to the material they are build (like... stone spear, iron spear, steel spear | pipe shotgun, sawed off shotgun, pump shotgun, auto shotgun). High tiers usually have higher damage outputs. But the quality has a strong influence how durability and and mod slots. 
  • Base location
    • Build your base not far from where you need to go. This way you avoid spending time walking around. 

Hope this will help you and not spoil you much. 


Thanks for this! It is a huge help! And perfectly non-spoiler. Yeah I've wasted many evenings just holding up. I feel like the game keeps hinting to you the nights are dangerous and you are better off staying out of sight. But it seems like a big chuck of unproductive time unless I am crafting and such. Even then I am scared to draw attention. Again maybe Darkwood freaked me out because in that game you must hole up at night and stay as quiet as possible 😛


However, one thing have spent a lot of time on is reading my journal and looking at recipes and stats. The game doesn't pause when I do that so I like to catch up on some reading at night. I kinda wish it did pause because I feel like I rush through reading things because of the time spent and miss a lot of info 


Oh man, yeah I learned the hard way about how difficulty ramps up in the other biomes. I tried going for an air drop somewhere south past some burnt regions and into some I guess wasteland and I got demolished. I ran in to get my bag and ran back out ASAP and haven,t been near since.


Speaking of difficulty, how does that ramping up work? Because I'm mostly in the forest area and recently I went back to near my starting area and it seems so much harder. Now there are vultures and I think I saw a dog too. I was expecting to breeze through that area but nope. I assume there is some level scaling but I'm still a relatively low level of 7. Does it get harder with simply each day? If so, then I really need to get my ass in gear.


Yeah I would love bacon and eggs but I think I need to find like 10 food magazines! 


Ok, so I need to focus on specific weapon types. I've been so indecisive on my skill points! Been spreading them around too broadly (this I should know better since I play a lot of RPGs and know you need to focus on a few skills).


Thanks again! To everyone on this thread! 



23 minutes ago, Lamblaska said:



Hey Keesio. Nice you are enjoying the game.

My suggest to you is... don't look up to much, there's a lot of fun (and no shame) in learning the game. Now, regarding the specifics:

  • Nightime
    • Unless you have enough craft , base building or farming to do at night.... you hardly will be able to afford spending the night at home getting home and thirsty. 
    • Avoid high tier POIs (numbers of skulls) and focus on more easier POIs. or
    • Go grab materials, cut some trees (or those already cutter trees , that sometime can drop honey). or
    • Go mining or scrapping stuff. There's a lot of materials and XP in this.
    • Try to fight zombies using high places, such as walls, dumpsters... this will make it easier to fight them in small numbers.
    • Use stealth. Keep in mind that flashlights and torches mess up your stealth (as well as heavy armor such as scrap).
  • Scaling up difficult
    • Watch out for the biome you are in. Biomes scale the difficult considerably. Avoid snow and wasteland on the early game. If you feel confident, go to the desert, there's a good place to get yuccas for juices.
    • Build your first base (or horde base) at the forest in the begging. Building a horde base in other biomes will make it harder.
  • Regarding food
    • Bacon and eggs is indeed a saver for early game. Latter you will notice that the eggs will be more valuable for other recipes... always keep a few in spare.
    • Take some of your waters and make red tea with it, it's easy to find this plant and the red tea improves your digestion (slowing down your water and food consumption). 
    • There are some canned foods that are useless to cook. You can easily identity them dragging them to your inventory and checking if it has no "recipe" option (keep in mind that his recipe option only appear for items in your inventory, not in stashes). So they are good options to eat as you go (such as Chicken Ration, can of peaches, cat food).  
    • If you have some nitrate powder, rotting flesh and seeds lying around in your base. Consider build a few farming blocks and use those seeds. It's not much, but it helps a bit (farming block cannot have ceiling above it).
  • Regarding Magazines
    • Skills you unlocked affect the looting of magazines. 
    • Bookstores , offices, cafes will often have more looting for magazines (mostly in shelves and book piles). Some magazines are more likely to appear on specific places (such as forge ahead in cement mixers). As you play, you will get more used to identify good spots for specific magazines. 
    • As you said, mailboxes are great source of magazines too. 
  • Regarding walking speed
    • Heavy armor slows you down quite a lot. They are good for defense, but it is a big trade off if you don't have a bike to move around. 
  • Regarding loot
    • I usually build wood chests, mark them of map and store the less important materials there. Once I get a bike and a base, I go back and retrieve these stashes. 
    • Pockets are a great way to reduce your overburden. 
  •  Regarding Weapons tiers and quality
    • Your skill points will affect how the loots you find. If you get a skill to improve the usage of a certain weapon (let's say... dead eye for rifles) you will get more rifle craft magazines, more rifle crafting parts, and even some ammo. Spread your skills too much and you will not get what you want consistently. Improving the attribute or skill related to this attribute will improve a lot it's efficiency. 
    • Keep in mind that weapons work in tiers and quality. Tier is related to the material they are build (like... stone spear, iron spear, steel spear | pipe shotgun, sawed off shotgun, pump shotgun, auto shotgun). High tiers usually have higher damage outputs. But the quality has a strong influence how durability and and mod slots. 
  • Base location
    • Build your base not far from where you need to go. This way you avoid spending time walking around. 

Hope this will help you and not spoil you much. 


Thanks for this! It is a huge help! And perfectly non-spoiler. Yeah I've wasted many evenings just holding up. I feel like the game keeps hinting to you the nights are dangerous and you are better off staying out of site. But it seems like a big chuck of unproductive time unless I am crafting and such. Even then I am scared to draw attention. Again maybe Darkwood freaked me out because in that game you must hole up at night and stay as quiet as possible 😛


However, one thing have spent a lot of time on is reading my journal and looking at recipes and stats. The game doesn't pause when I do that so I like to catch up on some reading at night. I kinda wish it did pause because I feel like I rush through reading things because of the time spent and miss a lot of info 


Oh man, yeah I learned the hard way about how difficulty ramps up in the other biomes. I tried going for an air drop somewhere south past some burnt regions and into some I guess wasteland and I got demolished. I ran in to get my bag and ran back out ASAP and haven,t been near since.


Speaking of difficulty, how does that ramping up work? Because I'm mostly in the forest area and recently I went back to near my starting area and it seems so much harder. Now there are vultures and I think I saw a dog too. I was expecting to breeze through that area but nope. I assume there is some level scaling but I'm still a relatively low level of 7. Does it get harder with simply each day? If so, then I really need to get my ass in gear.


Yeah I would love bacon and eggs but I think I need to find like 10 food magazines! 


Ok, so I need to focus on specific weapon types. I've been so indecisive on my skill points! Been spreading them around too broadly (this I should know better since I play a lot of RPGs and know you need to focus on a few skills).


Thanks again! To everyone on this thread! 

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