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Broken Vehicles


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I love alpha 21, don't get me wrong but my biggest issue with this alpha is glass vehicles. I get that you can always carry repair kits with you and vehicles should take damage depending on what you do but, a motorbike at 30% health shouldn't break when you ride over a small stone that you loot at start of your tutorial quest shouldn't break your motorbike. When you accidentally smack into fences (I have everything tuned down as it gets laggy after so many in game days), and it takes off 20-30% of your vehicles health. My even bigger issue is them damn wooden poles you see across the city. I smacked into 1 on my 4x4 at 1/4 of max speed but they hold your vehicle in place. My 4x4 had 50% health and I smacked into it, I couldn't drive or move, it kept it there, and then I took major health damage and I got out and because the things still collapsing, it exploded my vehicle with all my stuff inside it vanished. Can we get a fix for this please? There's others on the steam forums having the same issue, at least make it where the vehicles don't explode?

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