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Yes, but 30 minutes to craft the stack is half an in game @%$#.  If you have a full stack of nitrate and coal, you can craft 6k of gunpowder in a day and a half in game days, but 7k stacks in three and a half in game days.  that's a lot of being out.(and yes I realize you can grab the first stack when it's done in half a day)



HMMM, it didn't take the quote???     (probably something I did)



BFT2020 said "Not if you are trying to get more from your resources.  If you are swimming in coal and nitrate, then do it in singles.  But if you want to maximize your output, then stacks are best as you can simply have it crafting while you are out"



Yes, but 30 minutes to craft the stack is half an in game @%$#.  If you have a full stack of nitrate and coal, you can craft 6k of gunpowder in a day and a half in game days, but 7k stacks in three and a half in game days.  that's a lot of being out.(and yes I realize you can grab the first stack when it's done in half a day)


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