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I was watching JaWoodle, and he noticed that something quite didn't right with crafting.  Why doe crafting a stack of gunpowder take longer than just doing the gunpowder as is.  Shouldn't a stack of gunpowder take the same time as say dong 1000 gunpowder at a time???  Then I thought maybe it's because he hasn't restarted when the new updates dropped(I noticed my got a little glitchy when I didn't go to the new update.)   So a started a new creative world, and no, it takes 30 minutes to do a stack, and 15 minutes to do 1000 just crafting it straight up. 




I was watching JaWoodle, and he noticed that something didn't right with crafting.  Why doe crafting a stack of gunpowder take longer than just doing the gunpowder as is.  Shouldn't a stack of gunpowder take the same time as say dong 1000 gunpowder at a time???  Then I thought maybe it's because he hasn't restarted when the new updates dropped(I noticed my got a little glitchy when I didn't go to the new update.)   So a started a new creative world, and no, it takes 30 minutes to do a stack, and 15 minutes to do 1000 just crafting it straight up. 

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