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I've used both of these mods on weapons, and both continue to fire slowly in automatic if the fire key is held down. Semi doesn't seem to do anything besides reduce fire rate and Burst does a 3-shot burst, then give you the same slow automatic fire rate that Semi does. Both of these weapon mods used to be used as 'tap-fire' mods. If you held them down, they did nothing after their descriptive fire feature (ie: 3 shots, nothing else until you reclicked. Or semi would fire 1 shot, then nothing. You had to click again for either to function).


Has anyone else experienced this? I am playing on a MP server, but nothing related to these mods has been modified.


EDIT: typo



I've used both of these mods on weapons, and both continue to fire slowly in automatic if the fire key is held down. Semi doesn't seem to do anything besides reduce fire rate and Burst does a 3-shot burst, then give you the same slow automatic fire rate that Semi does. Both of these weapon mods used to be used as 'tap-fire' mods. If you held them down, they did nothing after their descriptive fire feature (ie: 3 shots, nothing else until you reclicked. Or semi would fire 1 shot, then nothing. You had to click again for either to function).


Has anyone else experienced this? I am playing on a MP server, but nothing related to these mods hasn't been modified.

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