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this isn't a 1 off, every single q5 m60 i made had significantly higher durability then  any q6, and i made sure to reset the stats of each one i spawned by retyping. i cannot get a single q6 m60 anywhere remotely close to any q5.

i've been testing over and over, jsut to make sure. 

TLDR q5 better then q6 by a lot, except a small damage boost on q6

also the range is still way worse. its honestly a pretty big downgrade, a few points of damage is not worth the massive durability loss, and range loss.



this isn't a 1 off, every single q5 m60 i made had significantly higher durability then  any q6, and i made sure to reset the stats of each one i spawned by retyping. i cannot get a single q6 m60 anywhere remotely close to any q5.

also the range is still way worse. its honestly a pretty big downgrade, a few points of damage is not worth the massive durability loss, and range loss.

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