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2 hours ago, katarynna said:


Not sure why so many people have such problems with me talking about "the player." I think I made it clear enough that I'm talking about my impressions and that I might be wrong.

It also goes without saying - yes, really, it does - that there are always exceptions, and always people who are less interested in this and more interested in that, or not interested at all in that other thing.


But to be fair, I think I did bring my point across rather poorly. I already said so in an above post, and I just now edited it into my original post to clarify things a bit.    



2 hours ago, katarynna said:


Not sure why so many people have such problems with me talking about "the player." I think I made it clear enough that I'm talking about my impressions and that I might be wrong.

It also goes without saying - yes, really, it does - that there are always exceptions, always people who are less interested in this and more interested in that, or not interested at all in that other thing.


But to be fair, I think I did bring my point across rather poorly. I already said so in an above post, and I just now edited it into my original post to clarify things a bit.    



2 hours ago, katarynna said:


Not sure why so many people have such problems with me talking about "the player." I think I made it clear enough that I'm talking about my impressions and that I might be wrong.

It also goes without saying - yes, really, it does - that there are always exceptions, always people who are less interested in this and more interested in that, or not interested at all in that other thing.


But to be fair, I think I did bring my point across rather poorly. I already said so in an above post, and I just now edited it into my original post to clarify things a bit.    


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