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Doctor Mobius

Doctor Mobius

Overall, I'm enjoying Alpha 21.  The graphics seem more grounded, the smoother roads, and hills are wonderful.

Things that concerned me going in:

Crafting Level Books: - Happy
I was skeptical about the system of using stacks of the same books for crafting skill quality.  Overall, it's fine.  It probably needs some balancing, to tweak it.  I don't love or hate it, really, but it feels a bit more genuine in the way it progresses.  In co-op games it makes looting interesting.  You want to give all of one type of book to one player, so they can learn to craft quicker than if you spread the books out. 

Dew Collectors: - Unhappy
This isn't working for me, so far.  They are big, weird looking, and the inability to just boil water, makes little sense.  Water is one of the first things you have to attend to, in a survival situation, so it made sense that figuring out water was something you did within the first week.  The system pulls me out of the immersion, when I'm bicycling past lakes, in rain storms, but I'm worried if my dew collector has enough water in it.

Vehicle Damage: - Good and Bad
I like the idea that vehicles take significant damage from ramming a brick wall, at top speed.  It makes me be careful.  I also like the notion that it takes more than one little repair kit to fix a big honkin' jeep.  I do not like that my bicycle loses 17% of it's health, because I nudged a traffic cone, or any real damage by going slowly over a high curb.  Keep the major damage boosted, but maybe just take out the damage for hitting small stuff, like cones, and curbs.  It feels like the vehicle equivalent of when we used to break our leg by walking off a half meter drop, at an angle. 

Things I wish I'd seen:
More zombie types.  Give us more to think about, and more variety in how we have to address a fight, when we loot a POI.  Fast crawlers, sneaky, hard to see, sideways running, special attacks, etc...  It's well past time we had several new types of things to fight.

Terrain specific POIs.  I don't mean biome, though that's cool too.  I mean let's have some POIs that only exist on islands, in the middle of a lake, on top of a mountain, down in a canyon, on a mesa.  Then make us go to them as part of our "unlocking trade routs" quests.  In the past, I've driven past, or flown over beautiful scenery, that's basically just an obstacle.  Give me a reason to climb it.  :)

A map that I can zoom all the way out on:
Come on;  The preview, when the map is generated, fits on your screen, so why can't I zoom out to that level, and get a good sense of the layout of the map, as I explore it.  As is, I snap a quick image of the map, when it's generated, for reference.  I'd rather not be doing that, and be able to see everything I've explored, at once. 

Things I love:

New POIs:
The new POIs are fantastic.  I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of them, but even the ones that I pass, like the roadside checkpoints, look fantastic, and add to the immersion, and the tone of the game.  It really adds to the Apocalypse feel.

The new Trader Forts:
The new trader locations are really wonderful.  I've seen three so far, and they're all different and interesting, yet fit within the world. 

The new Art:
This also looks wonderful.  Often the only time that anything looks like blocky, is at a distance.  Looking around a forest, or a dense part of town, I often don't even feel like I'm in a game made of 1m squared blocks. 

The new graphics:
I'm not a huge graphics buff, but it feels like there have been some understated changes to the graphics, that make the lighting, and feel of everything just a bit more grounded.  Less flashy, and more real. 

Difficulty Skulls:
These are just handy, for both knowing the danger, and having a name for each POI, that everyone on a team can use.

This is just first impressions, mind you.  I'm in it for at least four or five blood moons.  I feel, however, that first impressions matter a lot, as many players may never get past them, and play further.  Overall I'm happy, but I feel it should be better, by release.

   - DM


Doctor Mobius

Doctor Mobius

Overall, I'm enjoying Alpha 21.  The graphics seem more grounded, the smoother roads, and hills are wonderful.

Things that concerned me going in:

Crafting Level Books: - Happy
I was skeptical about the system of using stacks of the same books for crafting skill quality.  Overall, it's fine.  It probably needs some balancing, to tweak it.  I don't love or hate it, really, but it feels a bit more genuine in the way it progresses.  In co-op games it makes looting interesting.  You want to give all of one type of book to one player, so they can learn to craft quicker than if you spread the books out. 

Dew Collectors: - Unhappy
This isn't working for me, so far.  They are big, weird looking, and the inability to just boil water, makes little sense.  Water is one of the first things you have to attend to, in a survival situation, so it made sense that figuring out water was something you did within the first week.  The system pulls me out of the immersion, when I'm bicycling past lakes, in rain storms, but I'm worried if my dew collector has enough water in it.

Vehicle Damage: - Good and Bad
I like the idea that vehicles take significant damage from ramming a brick wall, at top speed.  It makes me be careful.  I also like the notion that it takes more than one little repair kit to fix a big honkin' jeep.  I do not like that my bicycle loses 17% of it's health, because I nudged a traffic cone, or any real damage by going slowly over a high curb.  Keep the major damage boosted, but maybe just take out the damage for hitting small stuff, like cones, and curbs.  It feels like the vehicle equivalent of when we used to break our leg by walking off a half meter drop, at an angle. 

Things I wish I'd seen:
More zombie types.  Give us more to think about, and more variety in how we have to address a fight, when we loot a POI.  Fast crawlers, sneaky, hard to see, sideways running, special attacks, etc...  It's well past time we had several new types of things to fight.

Terrain specific POIs.  I don't mean biome, though that's cool too.  I mean let's have some POIs that only exist on islands, in the middle of a lake, on top of a mountain, down in a canyon, on a mesa.  Then make us go to them as part of our "unlocking trade routs" quests.  In the past, I've driven past, or flown over beautiful scenery, that's basically just an obstacle.  Give me a reason to climb it.  :)

A map that I can zoom all the way out on:
Come on;  The preview, when the map is generated, fits on your screen, so why can't I zoom out to that level, and get a good sense of the layout of the map, as I explore it.  As is, I snap a quick image of the map, when it's generated, for reference.  I'd rather not be doing that, and be able to see everything I've explored, at once. 

Things I love:

New POIs:
The new POIs are fantastic.  I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of them, but even the ones that I pass, like the roadside checkpoints, look fantastic, nad add to the immersion, and the tone of the game.  It really adds to the Apocalypse feel.

The new Trader Forts:
The new trader locations are really wonderful.  I've seen three so far, and they're all different and interesting, yet fit within the world. 

The new Art:
This also looks wonderful.  Often the only time that anything looks like blocky, is at a distance.  Looking around a forest, or a dense part of town, I often don't even feel like I'm in a game made of 1m squared blocks. 

The new graphics:
I'm not a huge graphics buff, but it feels like there have been some understated changes to the graphics, that make the lighting, and feel of everything just a bit more grounded.  Less flashy, and more real. 

Difficulty Skulls:
These are just handy, for both knowing the danger, and having a name for each POI, that everyone on a team can use.

This is just first impressions, mind you.  I'm in it for at least four or five blood moons.  I feel, however, that first impressions matter a lot, as many players may never get past them, and play further.  Overall I'm happy, but I feel it should be better, by release.

   - DM


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