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I've been enjoying 7 Days to Die for quite a while - bought it on Steam about a year ago - and have enjoyed the game thoroughly.

Excited for the A21 release, as the launch of the game has a note saying everyone's working hard on it - I opted to install the beta and give it a go.


I love the changes made to the play style with the advent of skill books - the zombies are a bit harder too, and that's a good thing.


What troubles me (and others I glean, from the numerous posts about it) is that the thirst system in this game is completely nerfed.

I get that the game needed to be a bit more challenging, but honestly - what is the point of playing a game for fun when it is no longer fun to play?


Running around constantly neutered by thirst is a pain in the ass.
why not make the glass jars harder to make? why not give a different avenue - like only two buckets of water can be carried (try and carry three in real life, you'll understand) and only two jars of boiled water can be produced?

now i am forced to run to a lake or river with at least two goldenrod teas to prevent shatting myself to death.


Who knows - maybe I'm completely off the deep end here - but what survivalist HAS NO ACCESS TO WATER CARRYING EQUIPMENT?

Forgive me. I don't mean to be rude... but we as a species have been making pots out of mud for thousands of years.


This is pretty game breaking in my eyes and ... honestly, there are other games out there with replayability that *don't* make me question if its worth spending my time to play them.


Did i mention that glue requires water?

Yeah! so.. its a choice between no stamina (and soon death), dysentery and being locked distance-wise to a body of water - and making a bottle of glue.


Hoping this hits home and the devs get to work on another option that will retain their fans


I've no use grinding for no joy... does anyone else here?


Cheers to all







I've been enjoying 7 Days to Die for quite a while - bought it on Steam about a year ago - and have enjoyed the game thoroughly.

Excited for the A21 release, as the launch of the game has a note saying everyone's working hard on it - i opted to install the beta and give it a go.


I love the changes made to the play style with the advent of skill books - the zombies are a bit harder too, and thats a good thing.


What troubles me (and others i glean, from the numerous posts about it) is that the thirst system in this game is completely nerfed.

I get that the game needed to be a bit more challenging, but honestly - what is the point of playing a game for fun when it is no longer fun to play?


Running around constantly neutered by thirst is a pain in the ass.
why not make the glass jars harder to make? why not give a different avenue - like only two buckets of water can be carried (try and carry three in real life, you'll understand) and only two jars of boiled water can be produced?

now i am forced to run to a lake or river with at least two goldenrod teas to prevent @%$#ting myself to death.


Who knows - maybe i'm completely off the deep end here - but what survivalist HAS NO ACCESS TO WATER CARRYING EQUIPMENT?

Forgive me. i dont mean to be rude... but we as a species have been making pots out of mud for thousands of years.


This is pretty game breaking in my eyes and ... honestly, there are other games out there with replayability that *dont* make me question if its worth spending my time to play them.


DId i mention that glue requires water?

Yeah! so.. its a choice between no stamina (and soon death), dysintery and being locked distance-wise to a body of water - and making a bottle of glue.


Hoping this hits home and the devs get to work on another option that will retain their fans


I've no use grinding for no joy... does anyone else here?


Cheers to all



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