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They said two more quests are coming to Alpha 21 one of which is the infested quest, But what's the other one?

A list of quests I think It might be and some quest ideas for the future of 7DTD:


  • Defend a specific item/POI or protect one of the traders
  • Gather a specific resource/Item for the trader 
  • Give supplies from one trader to another
  • Something similar to a clear quest but with just bandits like at a (Bandit Camp) This one would have to wait until bandits get added but I think people will like it. 
  • Waves upon waves of zombies (defeat them all to complete the quest and earn a big reward, but keep In mind each wave gets harder) just an idea
  • A quest that has something to do with the Duke of Navezgane or Noah (when the story and factions get added of course)
  • A quest where you explore/check out a new area like a town, biome, city 
  • Adding more to the buried supplies quest like more containers for example



     I hope TFP add at least one of these quests In, that would be really nice. 



They said two more quests are coming to Alpha 21 one of which is the infested quest, But what's the other one?

A list of quests I think It might be and some quest ideas for the future of 7DTD:


  • Defend a specific item/POI or protect one of the traders
  • Gather a specific resource/Item for the trader 
  • Give supplies from one trader to another
  • Something similar to a clear quest but with just bandits like at a (Bandit Camp) This one would have to wait until bandits get added but I think people will like it. 
  • Waves upon waves of zombies (defeat them all to complete the quest and earn a big reward, but keep In mind each wave gets harder) just an idea
  • A quest that has something to do with the Duke of Navezgane or Noah (when the story and factions get added of course)
  • A quest where you explore/check out a new area like a (town, biome, city) they could call it the daring adventurer quest like the perk
  • Adding more to the buried supplies quest like more containers for a example (maybe get multiple buried supplies with one of the quests)
  • A demolition quest of some sort 
  • Adding more to the (Opening trade routes)



     I hope TFP add at least one of these quests In, that would be really nice. 

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