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Reworked block collapse mechanic


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if you destroy the bottom of a skyscraper (or anything really) whatever guides the block gravity mechanics seemingly picks random chunks of it to update instead of updating the whole structure (which for most things would be impossible due to the way it is coded and resource demand) or by prioritizing the bottom of the structure, it may be less resource intensive and more realistic/satisfying if it worked from the bottom up, and when a certain amount of blocks are falling in an area, instead of bouncing around and turning in to individual blocks they switch to one of a few set falling animations (as people who are trying to have fun wont be analyzing individual falling blocks) and then turn in to a structure looking like generic building rubble that grows when more falling blocks land on it (up to a size) and just deletes blocks that would be in the way of its growth (as they'd be getting crushed), when mined it could slowly shrink and give random scrap iron/broken glass/wood/stone.


just a random thought i had before getting off for the night🤷‍♂️

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