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Labeling storage


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So, I’ve played before. In a19 you had to hold down r to change the “shape “ to a writable storage chest. Now I’m playing a20 with some friends and that option is gone. How do you label the storage containers? Is it with paint?

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3 minutes ago, Byronious said:

So, I’ve played before. In a19 you had to hold down r to change the “shape “ to a writable storage chest. Now I’m playing a20 with some friends and that option is gone. How do you label the storage containers? Is it with paint?

There is a different block for the writable storage now. Have to decide which you want when you craft it.

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You can build a writable storage crate and once placed you can name it by holding E. But another option is to make a regular storage crate and use paint. They have crate paint options for a few standard item types like ammo, food, etc. that look nice but once you get to the point that you have lots of crates for specific things you'll probably want the writable ones.

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