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Launcher never points to save folder

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Sorry if this has been asked before. I looked around but couldn't find it. My husband and I play a game that's saved on his computer. He recently had to reformat his computer, and has since installed the new version of the launcher. We got it up and running and played a while and all was well. The next day, he loaded up the game and the save files were gone. Well, not gone. But the launcher wasn't pointing to them anymore. We finally found it and got all that sorted out, and we were able to play again. Today we wanted to play again, and the same thing happened. He chooses to continue game, and the game list is empty. Each and every time we play, it seems we have to point to our save files all over again.


It doesn't keep his player profile either, so each time we go in he has to create a new one.


What in the world is going on with this? How do we get the launcher to point to the same place every time? I'm sure there's something we're missing. I just can't figure out what it is. Please help.

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