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On 9/7/2023 at 6:57 PM, meganoth said:


It is not a feature. It may just be a very cheap way to represent losing control. And new players will just observe the vehicle going wild when they don't drive carefully and then adapt. Being a new player doesn't mean that person has an IQ below 50 and the obstinacy of a lemming.


Just because all new players are too dumb (in your opinion) to find this website doesn't mean they can't drive a motorbike in 7D2D.



But that's the whole point. You're NOT losing control, nor should you be because you can get excessive wobble while driving perfectly normally and sensibly.


The wobble has no meaningful link to a loss of control. It is neither proportional nor indicative.


While a new player may not realize this, they WILL figure it out quickly enough to ignore it. But it still looks stupid as hell. It's not fun. I'm trying to drive and here I am flopping and flailing all over the screen, even though I'm still in full control of the vehicle and not doing anything wild at all.


Also, nobody said new players are dumb - your words not mine - I said they wouldn't know about the official forums, certainly not right after getting the game. Even if they did figure that out quickly doesn't necessarily mean they would come here to ask about it. Maybe they'd try Steam or Reddit first (and indeed there have been occasional threads mentioning the excessive wobble on Reddit). 


So they come and ask? So what does that do? They would end up in the same conversation we're having right now, which is essentially.


"This looks really stupid and fake, even by the game's own standards."

"Well, it's supposed to be like that."





On 9/7/2023 at 6:57 PM, meganoth said:


It is not a feature. It may just be a very cheap way to represent losing control. And new players will just observe the vehicle going wild when they don't drive carefully and then adapt. Being a new player doesn't mean that person has an IQ below 50 and the obstinacy of a lemming.


Just because all new players are too dumb (in your opinion) to find this website doesn't mean they can't drive a motorbike in 7D2D.



But that's the whole point. You're NOT losing control, nor should you be because you can get excessive wobble while driving perfectly normally and sensibly.


The wobble has no meaningful link to a loss of control. It is neither proportional nor indicative.


While a new player may not realize this, they WILL figure it out quickly enough to ignore it. But it still looks stupid as hell. It's not fun. I'm trying to drive and here I am flopping and flailing all over the screen, even though I'm still in full control of the vehicle and not doing anything wild at all.


Also, nobody said new players are dumb - your words not mine - I said they wouldn't know about the official forums, certainly not right after getting the game. Even if they did figure that out quickly doesn't necessarily mean they would come here to ask about it. Maybe they'd try Steam or Reddit first (and indeed there have been occasional threads mentioning the excessive wobble on Reddit). 


So they come and ask? So what does that do? They would end up in the same conversation we're having right now, which is essentially.


"You know this looks really stupid and fake. Even by the game's own measurements."

"Well, it's supposed to be like that."

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