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4 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

BM hordes tear through cobblestone fast. When cement mixers are locked behind a higher # of workstation magazines, this means being forced to endure probably 2 BMs with only cobblestone. In multi-player, I kept harassing the tool-station crafter for a cement mixer. The hapless guy kept saying he needed more mags. We pushed through 2 BMs using cobblestone, but the base was chewed with gaping holes. Exciting? Maybe, sure. Worrisome, definitely.

I solo'd the day 23 horde on default difficulty with 64 zombies at a time (9, 15, 23 so 3rd horde for me) with just cobblestone and spikes, mostly wood spikes. (I was underbuilt, too greedy looting....oof)  Had Quality 5 Knucklewraps and Pipe Machine Gun, Quality 3 Pipe Pistol for emergency single zombie elimination, fort bites, and beer plus some medical stuff.   For some dumb reason I didn't make any molotovs and left my pipe bombs in the chest lol.  I guess I felt like maximum effort brick moding it :D. 

Hordes should not be hitting your blocks much, if they are then you're trying to block them too much instead of guide them.  And when I say guide, I don't mean maze.  I mean "they're going to enter from somewhere, it behooves you to determine where instead of letting them determine it".  For bunker bases and stuff where you shoot down or from inside you should be building 3-4 thick walls and your main goal is to prevent them from clumping up.  Solo zombies do @%$# all for damage against cobblestone.  But zombies buff other nearby zombies to do more block damage.  So when they pile up its not just 5 zombies doing 5x solo zombie damage, its more like 5 zombies doing 15x solo zombie damage.

The end of my defense I was at a wooden door opening it to empty my machine pipe gun clip semi-auto, then close and reload and kill any inside, repair the door, repeat.  Mixed in power punches when I could to save ammo when there was less than 4 zombies.  Every time I opened the door it was at least like 12 zombies on it and it was half to mostly broken lol.  I haven't had to defend like that more or less since electricity dropped in A16.  Was very tense.  Survived with 40 max hp from all the injuries.  I can tell you heal tanking is 100% dead with injuries taking your max hp down so much.



4 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

BM hordes tear through cobblestone fast. When cement mixers are locked behind a higher # of workstation magazines, this means being forced to endure probably 2 BMs with only cobblestone. In multi-player, I kept harassing the tool-station crafter for a cement mixer. The hapless guy kept saying he needed more mags. We pushed through 2 BMs using cobblestone, but the base was chewed with gaping holes. Exciting? Maybe, sure. Worrisome, definitely.

I solo'd the day 23 horde on default difficulty with 64 zombies at a time (9, 15, 23 so 3rd horde for me) with just cobblestone and spikes, mostly wood spikes. (I was underbuilt, too greedy looting....oof)  Had Quality 5 Knucklewraps and Pipe Machine Gun, Quality 3 Pipe Pistol for emergency single zombie elimination, fort bites, and beer plus some medical stuff.   For some dumb reason I didn't make any molotovs and left my pipe bombs in the chest lol.  I guess I felt like maximum effort brick moding it :D. 

Hordes should not be hitting your blocks much, if they are then you're trying to block them too much instead of guide them.  And when I say guide, I don't mean maze.  I mean "they're going to enter from somewhere, it behooves you to determine where instead of letting them determine it", 

The end of my defense I was at a wooden door opening it to empty my machine pipe gun clip semi-auto, then close and reload and kill any inside, repair the door, repeat.  Mixed in power punches when I could to save ammo when there was less than 4 zombies.  Every time I opened the door it was at least like 12 zombies on it and it was half to mostly broken lol.  I haven't had to defend like that more or less since electricity dropped in A16.  Was very tense.  Survived with 40 max hp from all the injuries.  I can tell you heal tanking is 100% dead with injuries taking your max hp down so much.



4 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

BM hordes tear through cobblestone fast. When cement mixers are locked behind a higher # of workstation magazines, this means being forced to endure probably 2 BMs with only cobblestone. In multi-player, I kept harassing the tool-station crafter for a cement mixer. The hapless guy kept saying he needed more mags. We pushed through 2 BMs using cobblestone, but the base was chewed with gaping holes. Exciting? Maybe, sure. Worrisome, definitely.

I solo'd the day 23 horde on default difficulty with 64 zombies at a time (9, 15, 23 so 3rd horde for me) with just cobblestone and spikes, mostly wood spikes. (I was underbuilt, too greedy looting....oof)  Had Quality 5 Knucklewraps and Pipe Machine Gun, Quality 3 Pipe Pistol for emergency single zombie elimination, fort bites, and beer plus some medical stuff. 

Hordes should not be hitting your blocks much, if they are then you're trying to block them too much instead of guide them.  And when I say guide, I don't mean maze.  I mean "they're going to enter from somewhere, it behooves you to determine where instead of letting them determine it", 

The end of my defense I was at a wooden door opening it to empty my machine pipe gun clip semi-auto, then close and reload and kill any inside, repair the door, repeat.  Mixed in power punches when I could to save ammo when there was less than 4 zombies.  Every time I opened the door it was at least like 12 zombies on it and it was half to mostly broken lol.  I haven't had to defend like that more or less since electricity dropped in A16.  Was very tense.  Survived with 40 max hp from all the injuries.  I can tell you heal tanking is 100% dead with injuries taking your max hp down so much.

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