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Lol I'm talking about the Key Rack and your lightings good. Someone made a Advanced Auto exposure to adjust lighting levels, So I thought It would just Enhance it even further. 


It's called Advanced Auto Exposure and I also used Crooked Deco. Got rid of them incase there were issues. I have learned that I can leave some alive. I just thought i could kill them all and I did! However I failed to craft ammo fast enough for the impending horde of crimsons mixed with hunters on my return. So yeah, Only kill what you need to Lol. Crooked Deco makes it so everything is varied like one tree might be Straight while another is leaning or slanted. And it applies to all deco from what I see. Thanks for the T.I.P.S. Someone also Made a blood splatter mod its really good I suggest you make it work with the Mod. How do I craft Gunpowder then?
I've been taking the Suppressor thinking that it would help reduce the Crimsons. I'll try the body armor this time.

I'm Feeling Good About This Run.





Lol I'm talking about the Key Rack and your lightings good. Someone made a Advanced Auto exposure to adjust lighting levels, So I thought It would just Enhance it even further. 


It's called Advanced Auto Exposure and I also used Crooked Deco. Got rid of them incase there were issues. I have learned that I can leave some alive. I just thought i could kill them all and I did! However I failed to craft ammo fast enough for the impending horde of crimsons mixed with hunters on my return. So yeah, Only kill what you need to Lol. Crooked Deco makes it so everything is varied like one tree might be Straight while another is leaning or slanted. And it applies to all deco from what I see. Thanks for the T.I.P.S. Someone also Made a blood splatter mod its really good I suggest you make it work with the Mod.

I'm Feeling Good About This Run.





Lol I'm talking about the Key Rack and your lightings good. Someone made a Advanced Auto exposure to adjust lighting levels, So I thought It would just Enhance it even further. 


It's called Advanced Auto Exposure and I also used Crooked Deco. Got rid of them incase there were issues. I have learned that I can leave some alive. I just thought i could kill them all and I did! However I failed to craft ammo fast enough for the impending horde of crimsons mixed with hunters on my return. So yeah, Only kill what you need to Lol. Crooked Deco makes it so everything is varied like one tree might be Straight while another is leaning or slanted. And it applies to all deco from what I see. Thanks for the T.I.P.S.

I'm Feeling Good About This Run.



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