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hit the wrong key and posted by mistake before I was done typing

Good evening yall! I'm still combing through this forum and many other sources, so my up-front apologies if these Q's were all ready answered. Any links or "fish" to those pages/topics greatly appreciated!

1. Is there a way to change the cost and item(s) to hire NPC's? I'd like to use food and other beneficial resources. Possibly have multiple hire options per NPC too?

2. Is there a way to swap around the models for 'goodies' and 'baddies'? I'd like to have some bad NG'ies, and good 'Cleaners', as well as good 'rogues' as a chance to spawn in.

3. Somewhat related to #2 above as a follow-up, how can I make 'cleaners' and 'rogues'  hirable? Not ALL of them, mind you - just the good/friendly ones.

Thanks in advance yall! Loving this and all the add-ons peeps are making!


Good evening yall! I'm still combing through this forum and many other sources, so my up-front apologies if these Q's were all ready answered. Any links or "fish" to those pages/topics greatly appreciated!

1. Is there a way to change the cost and item(s) to hire NPC's?


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