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12 hours ago, PitMonk said:

I'm assuming you're speaking about the NPCmod as a whole an not just my addition?
If that is the case, I haven't seen this yet.
What I have noticed is that they tend to only engage if:
A, You are also fighting
B, The zombies are in their range of agro
C, If they themselves get hit.
These all seem to be by design.
Ive also noticed that there is about a 1 second delay as they recalculate or reloading. Also if a zombie is too close, they begin to fight in melee mode.

I specially recorded a video with this bug, which often happens inexplicably because of what, please watch it. Mode "hunting" and "resume". Npc was 4, they started running after me and shoot zombies, after about 10-15 minutes two npc stopped shooting, the other 2 npc prolonged normal behavior and shoot zombies. I removed the 2 normal npc in the inventory and left 2 npc that did not shoot at zombies and from this point recorded a video.



12 часов назад, PitMonk сказал:

Я предполагаю, что вы говорите о NPCmod в целом, а не только о моих дополнениях?
Если это так, то я этого еще не видел.
Я заметил, что они, как правило, вступают в бой только в том случае, если:
A, Вы также сражаетесь
B, Зомби находятся в пределах их агро
C, Если они сами получают удар.
Кажется, все это сделано специально.
Я также заметил, что при перерасчете или перезагрузке происходит задержка примерно в 1 секунду. Также если зомби присмотрятся слишком близко, они начнут рисовать в рукопашном режиме.

I specially recorded a video with this bug, which often happens inexplicably because of what, please watch it. Mode "hunting" and "resume". Npc was 4, they started running after me and shoot zombies, after about 10-15 minutes two npc stopped shooting, the other 2 npc prolonged normal behavior and shoot zombies. I removed the 2 normal npc in the inventory and left 2 npc that did not shoot at zombies and from this point recorded a video.

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