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17 minutes ago, Agame said:

Ok I checked the log and it looks like its loading ok, but the commands "improvedhordes wandering show" and "spawn" do not work (says no such subcommand).



The mod has changed vastly in functionality in the new A21 version.


Instead of spawning in wandering hordes and preventing the game from doing so, it now instead introduces actual hordes in the world that are simulated until you get nearby. In essence, hordes no longer rely on a spawn timer but are instead respawned in the world every 7 days (by default).


The benefit this provides is that you will now encounter more hordes out in the world depending on how frequently you travel and where you go. Adventuring in the wasteland? Going to be filled to the brim with hordes wandering between towns. This means that you'll get to encounter hordes more frequently than in the vanilla game, but not of blood moon difficulty.


If you type "help improvedhordes" you'll see new commands such as "improvedhordes stats" which tells you how many different types of hordes are currently roaming in the world, as well as the option to reset all hordes and their spawns with "improvedhordes flush".


Screamers also work differently in this version and instead of spawning when your heat reaches 100%, they roam around towns and cities now where they can attract nearby hordes on sight. They can still target your base nearby as they have greater heat sensitivity than normal hordes.


I still feel like there could be more uses for screamers that I may plan for future updates (perhaps reintroducing them back into spawning by heatmap, but I don't want to fill the world with too many screamers as they can also join wandering hordes and walk around the map).



11 minutes ago, Agame said:

Ok I checked the log and it looks like its loading ok, but the commands "improvedhordes wandering show" and "spawn" do not work (says no such subcommand).



The mod has changed vastly in functionality in the new A21 version.


Instead of spawning in wandering hordes and preventing the game from doing so, it now instead introduces actual hordes in the world that are simulated until you get nearby. In essence, hordes no longer rely on a spawn timer but are instead respawned in the world every 7 days (by default).


The benefit this provides is that you will now encounter more hordes out in the world depending on how frequently you travel and where you go. Adventuring in the wasteland? Going to be filled with the brim with hordes wandering between towns. This means that you'll get to encounter hordes more frequently than in the vanilla game, but not of blood moon difficulty.


If you type "help improvedhordes" you'll see new commands such as "improvedhordes stats" which tells you how many different types of hordes are currently roaming in the world, as well as the option to reset all hordes and their spawns with "improvedhordes flush".


Screamers also work differently in this version and instead of spawning when your heat reaches 100%, they roam around towns and cities now where they can attract nearby hordes on sight. They can still target your base nearby as they have greater heat sensitivity than normal hordes.


I still feel like there could be more uses for screamers that I may plan for future updates (perhaps reintroducing them back into spawning by heatmap, but I don't want to fill the world with too many screamers as they can also join wandering hordes and walk around the map).



10 minutes ago, Agame said:

Ok I checked the log and it looks like its loading ok, but the commands "improvedhordes wandering show" and "spawn" do not work (says no such subcommand).



The mod has changed vastly in functionality in the new A21 version.


Instead of spawning in wandering hordes and preventing the game from doing so, it now instead introduces actual hordes in the world that are simulated until you get nearby. In essence, hordes no longer rely on a spawn timer but rather are only respawned in the world every 7 days (by default).


The benefit this provides is that you will now encounter more hordes out in the world depending on how frequently you travel and where you go. Adventuring in the wasteland? Going to be filled with the brim with hordes wandering between towns. This means that you'll get to encounter hordes more frequently than in the vanilla game, but not of blood moon difficulty.


If you type "help improvedhordes" you'll see new commands such as "improvedhordes stats" which tells you how many different types of hordes are currently roaming in the world, as well as the option to reset all hordes and their spawns with "improvedhordes flush".


Screamers also work differently in this version and instead of spawning when your heat reaches 100%, they roam around towns and cities now where they can attract nearby hordes on sight. They can still target your base nearby as they have greater heat sensitivity than normal hordes.


I still feel like there could be more uses for screamers that I may plan for future updates (perhaps reintroducing them back into spawning by heatmap, but I don't want to fill the world with too many screamers as they can also join wandering hordes and walk around the map).



3 minutes ago, Agame said:

Ok I checked the log and it looks like its loading ok, but the commands "improvedhordes wandering show" and "spawn" do not work (says no such subcommand).



The mod has changed vastly in functionality in the new A21 version.


Instead of spawning in wandering hordes and preventing the game from doing so, it now instead introduces actual hordes in the world that are simulated until you get nearby. In essence, hordes no longer rely on a spawn timer but rather are only respawned in the world every 7 days (by default). The benefit this provides is that you will now encounter more hordes out in the world depending on how frequently you travel and where you go. Adventuring in the wasteland? Going to be filled with the brim with hordes wandering between towns. This means that you'll get to encounter hordes more frequently than in the vanilla game, but not of blood moon difficulty.


If you type "help improvedhordes" you'll see new commands such as "improvedhordes stats" which tells you how many different types of hordes are currently roaming in the world, as well as the option to reset all hordes and their spawns with "improvedhordes flush".


Screamers also work differently in this version and instead of spawning when your heat reaches 100%, they roam around towns and cities now where they can attract nearby hordes on sight. They can still target your base nearby as they have greater heat sensitivity than normal hordes. I still feel like there could be more uses for screamers that I may plan for future updates (perhaps reintroducing them back into spawning by heatmap, but I don't want to fill the world with too many screamers as they can also join wandering hordes and walk around the map).

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