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Hi Again,

tl;dr positive review incoming

After a break I cranked up a new world with all of the goodies(including khanes ofc), and have to say after a few days in(and some nerfs to give me any chance at all of survival) this is a really fun and interesting, and emergent, game.

Which is to say, unexpected things happen in ways that would be impossible to predict.  With NPC factions, robots, and improved hordes, and compopack(!) this game is completely unpredictable.  Bandits wake up zombies in sleeper volumes, survivors get involved, a robot or giant robot spider shows up, dogs break through fences and join in, etc etc. and youre like wow, what have we created. 

Compopack is like the whole next level of 7days to die, as is score/npc+khane's stuff.(progression still doesnt work maybe ill ts that in a bit, not surprised though there are about 20 mods interacting, this is not criticism)

One of the comppack large sites, you step foot on the corner and 3 wights are after you(or hey look a box of free stuff in this small cornfield aaaaaaaaah ruuuun), and idk about you but I cant kill a wight early game at all, they just eat all my bullets and then me.   Another site, this bunny is hopping around and triggers the trap floors falls to his doom.  The city is wonderfully bizarre looking with more giant buildings, and it seems a lot of the creators of these have green beret training in trap setting and are really, really, trying to get you killed and make it difficult and full of surprises. 

So want to say thanks to khane and score/npc community modders in general, Ive played a lot of games but none of them tickle my brain quite like this does.  I get full body jump scares from surprise zombie dobermans and red tracksuit ak wielding bandits and that flower shaped purple glowing mecha-whatever and something with a lightsaber was walking around my safehouse last night saying 'emergency red alert' and i dont have enough ammunition to confidently kill it so the nights are long, so long.

Plus the joy of sorting a lot of things into the proper boxes ofc. 

Keep it up

dr g


ps one question i really want to turn off the nighttime stinger/tension music so i can hear footsteps better so i dont die, i cant figure out how to turn this off and dont have ggl or nexus acct, what mods replace these assets or disable these? ill open another topic, searching this site does not get any results.  found steam and other forums about this, ton of people hate it, with no clear solution found tia.







Hi Again,

After a break I cranked up a new world with all of the goodies, and have to say after a few days in(and some nerfs to give me any chance at all of survival) this is a really fun and interesting, and emergent, game.

Which is to say, unexpected things happen in ways that would be impossible to predict.  With NPC factions, robots, and improved hordes, and compopack(!) this game is completely unpredictable.  Bandits wake up zombies in sleeper volumes, survivors get involved, a robot or giant robot spider shows up, dogs break through fences and join in, etc etc. and youre like wow, what have we created. 

Compopack is like the whole next level of 7days to die, as is score/npc+khane's stuff.(progression still doesnt work maybe ill ts that in a bit, not surprised though there are about 20 mods interacting, this is not criticism)

One of the comppack large sites, you step foot on the corner and 3 wights are after you(or hey look a box of free stuff in this small cornfield aaaaaaaaah ruuuun), and idk about you but I cant kill a wight early game at all, they just eat all my bullets and then me.   Another site, this bunny is hopping around and triggers the trap floors falls to his doom.  The city is wonderfully bizarre looking with more giant buildings, and it seems a lot of the creators of these have green beret training in trap setting and are really, really, trying to get you killed and make it difficult and full of surprises. 

So want to say thanks to khane and score/npc community modders in general, Ive played a lot of games but none of them tickle my brain quite like this does.  I get full body jump scares from surprise zombie dobermans and red tracksuit ak wielding bandits and that flower shaped purple glowing mecha-whatever and something with a lightsaber was walking around my safehouse last night saying 'emergency red alert' and i dont have enough ammunition to confidently kill it so the nights are long, so long.

Plus the joy of sorting a lot of things into the proper boxes ofc. 

Keep it up

dr g





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