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Splint Not Working / Mod Issue?

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I have a 20 slot public server with several Mods I've installed. 


My current issue that splints are not fixing broken legs. (I'm not talking about sprains or arms)

Either the splints/plaster cast aren't working or the leg itself is bugged. I'm not savvy enough to suggest. 


My experience is low when it comes to modding, as I'm simply following instructions. 


These are the mods installed. 


Custom Zombies Mod by Robeloto

Riles HUDPlus

Better Starting Items - This doesn't add new items/assets. 

Zombie Loot Drop Increase A19

Lootable Zombies A19

PhD Bigger Backpack and Secure Storage Chest (A19-A19.5)a


Any assistance would be appreciated. 

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