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The New Vegas Strip


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First off i'd like to say how much i really love the game! Fun pimps have taken it to a whole other level.

But... i've been thinking about this project for some time now, and have been considering the work required and other options I could potentially take to cut down the amount of effort... The New Vegas Strip would look SO good in this game. I feel like the desert city fit the vibe extremely well and has a ton of potential. Thought i'd throw this out there and kick some ideas around.


But why stop there? Could the entirety of the Mojave desert be recreated?? Could you mod in gambling machines? a Pip Boy as a replacement menu?

I'll keep it short and simple.
Would you guys have any resources or ideas that would contribute to the creation of this? Does anyone currently use a map creation program to move buildings around?

Thanks a ton!


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