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Finding controllers and variables for use in XML modlets


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So I've tried searching all over and can't seem to find the answer to this.  It may just be a case of me not knowing the proper search terms to look for.  Basically I'm trying to figure out how to look at all the available controllers (and their subsequent variables) which I can use/access within the XML.  The base XML has plenty of examples (for instance the MapStats controller has maptemperature, playercoretemp, mapelevation, etc.) but I'm curious of what ALL is available.  ***Okay, finally figured this part out.  I just needed to snoop inside Assembly-CSharp.dll to find the vanilla controllers and their variables.  My questions below still stand though:


And then a more advanced question would be: can I create new controllers/variables from within my .dll serverside mod and allow those to be accessed via the XML (windows.xml, etc.)?


A basic example of something would be to use my .dll mod to create a "controller" called 'MyController' and set some variables inside it like "MyVarA" and "MyVarB" which I can then utilize in the windows.xml to adjust my HUD to display MyVarA and MyVarB someplace on the screen.  Or maybe even add variables to existing controllers like add the variable "IsPVPzone" to the "MapStats" controller and adjust its value in my .dll whenever the player is/isn't in a PVP area of the map.


Any help or nudging in the right direction would be appreciated.  If any of my question doesn't make sense please let me know and I can try to clarify as well.  Thanks everyone.

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