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More more more (the game needs more ... )


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So last time I was unhapy with the biome variaty in the game and the random map generation overall. Ever since I watched a video about NitroGen WorldGenerator and I installed it.

In my opinion it is way better than the current map generator by far.

And then I saw another addon that adds a lot more new PoI - I think it's called CompoPack, so I had it installed too.


And then I started thinking. The framework of 7 days to die is there, it needs some optimization for sure, if that's possible, but the game needs more. And then started searching and the modding community seems to answer almost all my wishes. Still, I hope the following finds it way into the main game at some point, since it just makes sense for some addons 


More biomes - better Random Map Generator:

I still want some better variaty in the biomes - I want the Plains biome back and maybe some other type of Forest. Not sure about Jungle biome but they should add bushes that slow your movement speed like barbed wire, unless cut and add the ability to just pick up flowers and other harvestable plants just by pressing E. (again - there is an addon for that but it should be in the main game IMO).

Other variaty can be achieved just by using the Map generator - Islands, Beaches, Swamps, Snowy Mountains, Canyon, Forest Hills, Poppy Fields etc - Nitro Gen solves this for me but the in - game map generator should be upgraded so more people can enjoy this instead of using third party.


More POI - CompoPack showed me that the community is making some awesome new POI and I am 100% sure that there will be always more. I love how Fun Pimps POIs are made like dungeon which you can spend time to break through or just find the hidden way (well not so hidden since there are some lamps to point you out ) to the final loot. Also Original POIs are made for each tier of quests. More POIs for tier IV would be awesome, since that's where the most loot is. This is what some of the custom POIs are missing, I think. But damn, my jaw dropped when I saw the airfield, the UFO, the big bridge ... so much awesomeness that should be in the original game for sure. And finally some more open POIs so I can use the sniper.


More quest objectives - I like how quests start you off at tier 1 and you climb to tier 5 ... but what happens after that ? I didn't find any addons for that, but I would like something like an individual reputation system for the traders. I liked unlocking trader locations, but I feel it will give more play time to complete all tier 5 quest for a trader then get special quest / reward and finish his story. Then you move on to the next trader, start another base close by, maybe and start tier 1 quests again but with tougher zombies since gamestage should be higher. But quest objectives themselves should be more varied. Burried tressure is good for Tier 1 and 2 and I heard maybe some zombie defense for tier 3 and 4? Maybe kill special zombie boss for Tier 5 ? Donate some resources for some NPC at some location ? Repair machine at another ? Or patch a hole in a wall while zombies spawn around? I am sure there are a lot of ideas here, game just need more of that.


More Weapons - It's cool how they made different weapons with different tiers. But some things need more - Desert vulture was a nice edition - how about dual wilding them now so we can use all this magnum ammo? Agility have the Pistols perk ... but why is the SMG here ? And why only one SMG? There are way more that could be added Uzi could be Tier 1, the MP5 that is in game Tier2 and P90 could be Tier 3. Assault Riffles have AK47, M16 and ... M60 ? Why not another Assault Rifle and make more LMGs with their own 3 tiers. What about some special weapons - Minigun would be useful too and hell, I would definetely go for a Flamethrower as well. Again - there are mods that add them.


More Vehicles - What I want here is some water vehicles (maybe with 3 tiers), some more land vehicles that carry more players, some military vehicles that can shoot or have mod slots for guns to be installed, land vehicles taht can smash debree on and off the road so they won't be useless and The Helicopter for sure with some better controls for it too. Also - they should the cosmetics and modifications for vehicles as well - I know the frame was there for a while and I was reminded of that when I find another addon addding custom made ones. 

An idea that one addon had was make special tool for repairing vehichles and some special repair kits for them. Find a broken HMMWV, use the repair tool with the repair kit to fix the tires / interior, etc and players can now be able to poket it like other vehichles. This will make them special and also - prevent Greese Monkey skill from overflowing. Ofcourse finding the schematic and building them could also be a way to obtain them.


More Zombies - I like the standart ones actially and I like how they progress from slow and harmless to fast and ferocious. What I want is more:

Ranged Enemies - The cop's spit have horrible textures ... but maybe adding some Human NPC bandits with firearms - now that could solve this problem for me for sure.

Some More Special Undead Enemies - it would be awesome to have some special enemy that spawns from the fog and is semi invisible but makes a lot of sound - like spectre - great for jumpscares. Maybe add zombie that grabs and bites the player instead of swinging their arms - getting some HP buff in the process (Like Vampire). Maybe a zombie with a skeleton for a torso, so it's center mass hitbox is hard to hit. At this point I am just thinking about Heroes' Undead faction units xD

Bigger Zombies - I loved the idea of zombies that are turned fresh so they still remember how to use tools / weapons. A Biker with a Two handed hammer comes to mind.

More Elemental zombies - So we have the burning zombie and I think the lumberjack can cause frostbite but that's all. There is shocking status in the game and maybe the vampire zombie can have higher chance of bleeding? Maybe zombies that launch poison cloud that drains players O2 and deals damage when it is empty (making the Athletics skill more useful)

Also - why are there only green zombies that can regenerate health ? Zombie modifiers sounds cool, there could be more. Also - where are the Burning zombie and the Lumberjack during blood moon ? Flaming blocks can spread to nearby blocks destroying wood and frozen blocks can take more damage making the game more difficult. Shocking zombie can create EMP blast that disables turrets / traps for few seconds and so on.

Boss Zombies - yeah this one I am sure everyone will be happy with. Boss zombie on the end of a tier 5 quest when players are out of ammo / medical supplies / water to doze some flames with special abilities / weakspots. I found 2 addons for special zombies but I am not sure I want them all (except the invisible one) unless they appear as boss zombies only.


More ... just random things -

More Farming - I don't like the dumbed down version and I was searching for how to create a hoe so I can harvest them better but after finding out there isn't ... meh. I know food and water are hardly a problem the late game and it kinnda irritates me. There is not even a slider for how fast food and water drain in the start game options - so you can have a day be 10 min but food consumption still remains the same - making it possible to stay well fed 6 days in a row with no problem. Making food via planting AND hunting looks like an awesome endgame goal - even animal husbandry could make it into the game with zombies attacking the poor animals in the cage - making them useful as distraction too. And speaking of distraction ...

More Crafting - Beaker and Acid recepies maybe?

More Traps - I feel the basic spikes trap should have 3 upgrades. If they want to make forged iron useful endgame too then it can be something like tier 1 - wood, tier 2 - just iron, tier 3 - forged iron, saving forged steel for upgrading blocks. Also - maybe crafting poison spikes could be good tier 3 ? I know there is Electric Fence for shocking but where is the trap for burning ? The mines? Maybe there can be some oil spill on the ground that can be ignited by fire arrow? Or maybe there can be some frozen ground or marbles for a chance of making zombies trip? Home alone style xD I don't know but more traps will always be good.



And that's it. I tried gathering the best ideas I found that mostly already exists in forms of addons. If the passion of the community can create them I am sure Fun pimps can implement them if they feel like it's up to their standart. And I know more is supposed to be always better but screamer shooting rokets from her mouth ... not sure I would want that in the game. Or 10 different sport cars ... it's the apocalypse after all. I hope this list helps, it took me a while to write and sorry if there are some spelling errors. Cheers :)

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