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Fix game version name



I reinstalled my game because of a PC reinstall, and installed only the following SMX mods (I try to make lesser resource footprint to my game):


  • 0-Quartz
  • SMXcore
  • SMXui
  • ZMXuiCP
  • ZMXuiCPBBMxxl 

On the previous install, I had all the ZMXuiCPBBM* mods installed but as I found out, I need only one modification to my backpack not ALL of them. However, now experiencing an issue: I somehow lost the search bar over my backpack inventory, so I am not able to search items in my backpack by their name, and it is a crucial function to me. Can you help me what do I wrong?


Also: I tried to add SMXmenu also but under A21.2 it collapses all buttons into one, I am not sure if it is a known issue or not. The only thing that is affects my menu screen is the ModManager mod by FilUnderscore.





I reinstalled my game because of a PC reinstall, and installed only the following SMX mods (I try to make lesser resource footprint to my game):


  • 0-Quartz
  • SMXcore
  • SMXui
  • ZMXuiCP
  • ZMXuiCPBBMxxl 

On the previous install, I had all the ZMXuiCPBBM* mods installed but as I found out, I need only one modification to my backpack not ALL of them. However, now experiencing an issue: I somehow lost the search bar over my backpack inventory, so I am not able to search items in my backpack by their name, and it is a crucial function to me. Can you help me what do I wrong?


Also: I tried to add SMXmenu also but under 21.2 it collapses all buttons into one, I am not sure if it is a known issue or not. The only thing that is affects my menu screen is the ModManager mod by FilUnderscore.

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