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change the decrease of wellness at character death.(alpha 16.4)


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This SDX sample makes it possible to change the decrease of wellness at character death.




gamestages.xml //gamestages/config/@DeadWellnessDown sets the wellness to decrease with death.

In the following example, the wellness to be decreased by death is set to 15.

<config DeadWellnessDown ="15" startingWeight="1" scavengerGameDifficultyBonus="0" adventurerGameDifficultyBonus="0.1" nomadGameDifficultyBonus="0.2" warriorGameDifficultyBonus="0.6" survivalistGameDifficultyBonus="1.0" insaneGameDifficultyBonus="1.5" daysAliveDifficultyBonus="0.1" daysAliveChangeWhenKilled="2" diminishingReturns="0.2" />


this mod used by 7 days to die mod editor



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