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13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Think on first load I had some trader/loot errors. So it definitely doesn't work out of the box. I have those fixed I believe, and am currently working on adding some of the visual mod stuff like armor and whatnot to all of them, where it makes sense. Not going crazy with it, but trying to add some custom stuff in where I can. I also wanna revisit the tinting stuff as I have the shader TFP uses on their vehicles. I'd like to get all of mine using it if possible so it isn't so bad looking when you dye most of my vehicles. I also have to tinker with the seat/hand/foot IK stuff since they messed with all of that. Hoping to have the AIO pack ready for 1.0 stable, maybe all the individual ones too. Not releasing till stable though.

After i patched it up to make it have no errors, it still needs fixing for ground vehicles as the system for turbo, max speed and torque has been reworked. 

Also for some reason some genius decided to change the "Vehicle4x4Truck" line to "VehicleTruck4x4", completely unnecessary change that only breaks mods lmao

As for the traders just gotta remove the lines for the cloth and armor in the loot. Waiting for the update if you have time! ❤️ 



13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Think on first load I had some trader/loot errors. So it definitely doesn't work out of the box. I have those fixed I believe, and am currently working on adding some of the visual mod stuff like armor and whatnot to all of them, where it makes sense. Not going crazy with it, but trying to add some custom stuff in where I can. I also wanna revisit the tinting stuff as I have the shader TFP uses on their vehicles. I'd like to get all of mine using it if possible so it isn't so bad looking when you dye most of my vehicles. I also have to tinker with the seat/hand/foot IK stuff since they messed with all of that. Hoping to have the AIO pack ready for 1.0 stable, maybe all the individual ones too. Not releasing till stable though.

After i patched it up to make it have no errors, it still needs fixing for ground vehicles as the system for turbo, max speed and torque has been reworked. 

Also for some reason some genius decide to change the "Vehicle4x4Truck" line to "VehicleTruck4x4", completely unnecessary change that only breaks mods lmao

As for the traders just gotta remove the lines for the cloth and armor in the loot. Waiting for the update if you have time! ❤️ 



13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Think on first load I had some trader/loot errors. So it definitely doesn't work out of the box. I have those fixed I believe, and am currently working on adding some of the visual mod stuff like armor and whatnot to all of them, where it makes sense. Not going crazy with it, but trying to add some custom stuff in where I can. I also wanna revisit the tinting stuff as I have the shader TFP uses on their vehicles. I'd like to get all of mine using it if possible so it isn't so bad looking when you dye most of my vehicles. I also have to tinker with the seat/hand/foot IK stuff since they messed with all of that. Hoping to have the AIO pack ready for 1.0 stable, maybe all the individual ones too. Not releasing till stable though.

After i patched it up to make it have no errors, it still needs fixing for ground vehicles as the system for turbo, max speed and torque has been reworked. 

As for the traders just gotta remove the lines for the cloth and armor in the loot. Waiting for the update if you have time! ❤️ 



13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Think on first load I had some trader/loot errors. So it definitely doesn't work out of the box. I have those fixed I believe, and am currently working on adding some of the visual mod stuff like armor and whatnot to all of them, where it makes sense. Not going crazy with it, but trying to add some custom stuff in where I can. I also wanna revisit the tinting stuff as I have the shader TFP uses on their vehicles. I'd like to get all of mine using it if possible so it isn't so bad looking when you dye most of my vehicles. I also have to tinker with the seat/hand/foot IK stuff since they messed with all of that. Hoping to have the AIO pack ready for 1.0 stable, maybe all the individual ones too. Not releasing till stable though.

After i patched it up to make it have no errors, it still needs fixing as the system for turbo, max speed and torque has been reworked. 

As for the traders just gotta remove the lines for the cloth and armor in the loot. Waiting for the update if you have time! ❤️ 

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