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A17 - Copper and Zinc to make Brass in the Forge.


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The first in a series of my "Wild Terra" Modlets/Overhauls.


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  • Tested on 17.1 / 17.1b9
  • This modlet may require that you start a new game.
  • This modlet may break some UI modlets/overhauls.
  • Adds Copper and Zinc to the terrain. It can be mined and found in gravel on the surface like everything else.
  • Adds a 3rd slot to the Forge.
  • Adds Copper and Zinc to the Forge.
  • Adds the possibility of getting Copper or Zinc from loot (Lab Equipment and/or Destroyed Forge).
  • Adds Copper and Zinc to under ground stone when mining.
  • Adds the ability to make Brass using a ratio of 1 Copper to 7 Zinc (realistically accurate) in the Forge.


* Future plans:

- Add TIN. Use Tin for other recipes. Cans aren't iron for one... they're tin.


* Special Thanks:

giKoN, Pringlz46290 and stasis78 for providing assistance, testing and development.

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I have a question. I'm using your mod. when im mining into the ground evrytime i get iron i also get copper and zinc. This i dont like. I want to have just a propability to geht copper and a little more zinc, but not as much as iron. I tried to edit your extensions but nothing really helped. Can you help me?

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I have a question. I'm using your mod. when im mining into the ground evrytime i get iron i also get copper and zinc. This i dont like. I want to have just a propability to geht copper and a little more zinc, but not as much as iron. I tried to edit your extensions but nothing really helped. Can you help me?


Hello. Are you referring to when you mine just stone under ground and receive the same amount of copper/zinc as you do iron?


If so, just search for this in blocks.xml

<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='terrStone']">

and remove everything to and including the </append> tag.

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