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Can i edit entity xml file to remove body dama of zeds?


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I suppose it depends on which method you are using to modify the damage.


Personally, the way I'd go about it would be to just copy this:


<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="body"/>

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="legs"/>

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="arms"/>


...into an effect_group for each tool/weapon. That'd make it so only headshots did damage.


There are probably less tedious ways to accomplish this, but this will at least achieve your goal.

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well, the whole thing should look like this:



<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="body"/>

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="legs"/>

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="arms"/>



...but yes, you just add that to the end section of each weapon, and that *should* make it so that only headshots do damage.

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I was just looking through the tags, and it urns out that i had them wrong. the correct code wold be:



<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="upperbody"/>

<passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_subtract" value="1" tags="lowerbody"/>


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