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[REQUEST] Mod to remove player body blocking from parties / entirely from game.


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A simple request at face, but I am not entirely sure something this fundamental is possible to change via a mod. However I am requesting if possible the ability to be able to get rid of body blocking for co-op situations whether that be by parties or out of the game entirely (assuming that the server in question is co-op, as I do with my friends and myself.)


This is honestly in good reason partially because I've always felt that body blocking in co-op scenarios has.... pretty much always been a horrible idea in every form in ANY game and only creates infuriating :mad-new::mad-new: situations when you're all trying to work together.. (I.E Someone at base decides to afk in a doorway. Theres a group of you fighting, you came through a door but you get swarmed and it's night and you all have to run out the door if want to live... but the last person is not as fast to react to situations as everyone else. Honestly, just trolling can get pretty annoying too and get groups going when someone gets pushed too far.)


I understand that the inclusion of it is likely due to some form of survival "realism" so I get it, though... I mean... zombies lol.

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