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Alpha 17 - Larger Fuel Tanks on Auger, Chainsaw, Generator, & Vehicles


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EDIT: To make things easier, I made it into a modlet found here:





This tutorial is an update to the one I did for Alpha 16, where some things have changed, and instead of updating that older thread, since I know a few are not running Alpha 17 just yet and I can't alter the title, I decided to redo it. I go over how to change the size of the fuel tanks on the auger, chainsaw, generator, & all the vehicle. Only 3 files will need to be modified, the blocks.xml, items.xml, vehicles.xml.


In the prior thread:



I wrote this tutorial because I was digging tunnels and got annoyed at how often I had to refuel the auger. After digging around, I figured it out then had a friend ask me how i did it. This time, it was the gyrocopter that got me to update this. Using the turbo, I was getting 1 tick to every 3.5 seconds roughly. Now I get 1 tick every 14 seconds roughly.



I am assuming that you have some sort of editor with some sort of syntax highlighting like Notepad++, SublimeText, or Dreamweaver to name a few. I highly recommend you NOT using notepad or wordpad.


The Changes


[table=width: 750, class: grid]


[td]Open: blocks.xml --- Generator



<block name="generatorbank">


In that <block>, about 13 lines below, look for:

<property name="MaxFuel" value="1000"/>


Replace with:

<property name="MaxFuel" value="2000"/>


Note: We found 2000 to be a good fit last patch. But of course, you can change that value to suit your needs. We did also use 2500 as well which worked good.












[td]Open: items.xml --- Auger/Chainsaw/SmallEngine



<item name="smallEngine">


In that <item>, about 22 lines below, look for:

<property name="VehicleTankSize" value="1000, 2000"/>


Replace with:

<property name="VehicleTankSize" value="2000, 3000"/>


Note: The value as you can see has changed. Pending on the level of your engine on your bike, your fuel tank will be larger or smaller. Just say your engine is at the level of 555, and using the default values, then your fuel tank would be about 1925 for a full tank, and if it was level 600, it would be 2000. So the first number is the start value for the worst engine you can have, and the second value is the end value for the best engine you can have.






<item name="meleeToolChainsaw">


In that <item>, On roughly line 1347, Find:

<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="200"/>


Replace with:

<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="350"/>


Note: Just like before, this is up to you on what you want the value at. Since I find that there is walking time usually between trees, just bumping it a little was enough.






<item name="meleeToolAuger">


In that <item>, On roughly line 1415, look for:

<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="200"/>


Replace with:

<passive_effect name="MagazineSize" operation="base_set" value="800"/>


Note: This one here I bumped the fuel tank up 4x because i was annoyed that I had to refuel every 1m 18s (give or take) in last patch, and it wasn't any better now. But like always, set this value to whatever you want.












[td]Open: vehicles.xml --- Minibike, 4x4 Truck, Motorcycle, and the Gyrocopter


Okay, this next one is going to be a bit more difficult, so I am going to combine all 4 vehicles into one because its the same edit for all 4, if you want to do all four of them. I personally found that the 4x4 and the motorcycle were fine, but if you want to change those values, you would do it like this. As for the gyrocopter, this works really good.


First, the 4 vehicle values that you your do a search for are as follows, Pick the one you want to alter and do a search for it:



<vehicle name="vehicleGyrocopter">



<vehicle name="vehicleMinibike">



<<vehicle name="vehicleMotorcycle">



<vehicle name="vehicle4x4Truck">




Now, that you had done a search for it. what you need to do is find buried below, pretty deep, a line that says:

<property name="capacity" value="


Now, if you noticed, I left out the value number and cut the search right after the first ". I did this on purpose and I will explain. If you use a program like Dreamweaver, you can search for all occurances of a line, and if you search for that line, you will see if occur only 5 times. Four time for the above mentioned, and once for the Joke Blimp thing that has been seen in a stream or two of theirs. Well, all you want to do is change that value to whatever you want for the vehicle you want.




For an example, here is a look at the Gyrocopter code within the .xml file.



If you go to that link, (Diffchecker)


You will see that I changed that highlighted value of 8, to 32. If you do the math, 8 x 4 = 32, so I made the Gyrocopters fuel tank 4x larger than stock. So in theory, I should be able to go 4x the distance before needing to refuel.


For your best results, go in, mess around with each vehicle and determine if you should double the time of the default, or, just maybe 50% more, and do the math to figure what you need to change to match what you like.




Well, below is a list of all the properties with their default values, and what they belong to, and what I have mine set to. This is subjective to whatever you want them to be.


  1. Gyrocopter:
    <property name="capacity" value="8"/>

    - Default 8, My value 32

  2. Mini Bike:
    <property name="capacity" value="4"/>

    - Default 4, My value 20

  3. MotorCycle:
    <property name="capacity" value="12"/>

    - Default 12, My value 18

  4. 4x4 Truck:
    <property name="capacity" value="40"/>

    - Default 40, My value 50



Overall, you can just do a search for

<property name="capacity" value="


and you will have the 5 results, and all you have to do is just match them up to what I have above to know which is which.







Well, I hope this helps others that were wondering how to increase the size of their fuel tanks and I am sorry if this confuses anyone.

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