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Posts posted by RedNovember

  1. Hi folks

    We are building a rather large system for our server marketplace, where certain events are started/stopped mainly by time control.

    With the prefab editor A19 everything was wonderful, with A20 suddenly extremely strange bugs appear:

    I build a generator, then a timer relay and connect consumers to it. At first everything works as usual. But when I log in again, it gets strange: the consumers remain active, although they have no more power. Even if I destroy the generator!

    Strange: When I go over them with the tool, they are shown as inactive (gray wattage).

    Surprisingly, the bug does not occur when I insert the prefab and start a game with it. Although the originally built system does not work, an exact copy built in the game (generator/timer/consumer) works fine.

    I hope that someone can help me or give me a hint, because our whole marketplace concept would be invalid otherwise. Does anyone have similar problems in the prefab editor if applicable?

    Glad about any answers




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