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Posts posted by mythan

  1. Know what would be cool? If you could put steamid.png files in a folder, and instead of the little icon you get shown the custom icon instead.


    I say it would be cool because irc Eek did it for me, and it was cool. Unfortunately he hasn't updated it, so I'm back to the regular icons.


    Hah, we tried after we had 3000 players on the server.. whenever someone connected to the map, everything would freeze up as it was downloading thousands of player icons (offline players too). We canned it in the end, couldn't get it to run fast.

  2. Thanks Gups, but this one is really about higher populated ones :)


    mythan got a PM, schwanz will get one in a few sec.




    It's about basically the whole server, not only a few DLLs. You can still try if you want. Really wonder though if they give you full access how many security issues they have per month ;)


    Hi Alloc, sent you a PM in error thinking it wasn't working. Should've ran the command from server console, not client console. The "profiling_2017-01-03_15-52-12_unity.xxxxx" files are now appearing in the base folder.


    Will let you know when I've got a few ready.

  3. Hi Alloc,


    I might be able to help out if we don't have to start a new map or reset player profiles etc.

    Our setup:


    • Dedicated 7DTD on Windows 7 - We own the hardware and have physical access to it.
    • Get over 20 players daily - https://7daystodie-servers.com/server/12367/stats/
    • Running Smegzor's Botman which runs commands constantly and 7DSM server manager to start the server when the process stops (e.g daily scheduled shutdown). Also running Alloc server fixes and Coppi's mod.
    • Located in Asia-Pacific for NZ and AUS players.
    • Shows in the vanilla list due to no XML modifications

  4. Yes. Even running the "fix" directly won't hurt, you just won't know if there was anything to actually fix. Will add that output for A16 though.


    @schwanz9000: Thanks for the detailed report, hope we'll be able to repro it :)


    Fantastic! Thanks to both of you for your efforts :)

  5. The command isn't part of my mod (it was for like a version or two because I didn't get it in the game in time) but the actual feature was always part of the game ;)

    Also it's not meant as the big "all-time tool" but rather a band-aid for as long as we don't have that fully fixed. Proper reports of how those issues come up in the first place would be way more useful than just adding in "better" versions of such a band-aid.


    Btw, you don't need to run the fix command against every coordinate, just one coord out of a chunk is enough (e.g. the coord used when running the check).


    Thanks Alloc, that's good to know.


    So based on what you've said about not having to run it against every coordinate, that means we simply (for example), do "rcd 100 100" and if it returns any "WRN DENSITYMISMATCH" messages we run "rcd 100 100 fix", rather than cycle through the list of coordinates that the WRN might return.


    If I can find a way to reproduce the issue I'll go post it in the appropriate area rather than here. What I can say is that it's incredibly common and happens often where people try and flatten an area to build a foundation for a base. I don't think I've ever seen the issues below the surface and I've fixed hundreds.

  6. EDIT: The "WRN DENSITYMISMATCH" message shows in a log written out by a bot we run. So based on that I assume the bot can interpret it and will ask the bot dev if the fix command can be automated. I have no idea what the implications are running these fixes automatically.


    Could you guys please stop randomly posting stuff in here? This thread is about the mod, not the game in general.


    If you're referring to my post about fixing the chunk density issues, it wasn't that I went and picked a random thread to post in. I intentionally came in here and spent the time to post because back in "rev. 272 (7_9_13) (2016-04-28)" you added the command "repairchunkdensity".


    I'll propose some additions to the "repairchunkdensity" command in the hopes that you'll see my post as less random (though I dislike doing this since I often overlook the more obvious solution the devs come up with):


    1. Instead of showing a list of chunks with errors, add an option where it will run the "fix" against every line that would've been returned to the log file.
    2. If that's not possible, instead of outputting the chunk density warnings to the server log file, can you have it go to the console instead? In this case we can automate a bot that will run "rcd" often against random players, interpret the errors and run the fix command against the returned coordinates.


    I appreciate the purpose of your mod is to provide features and fixes that lack in the core game and hope you're not offended by my persistence that my life could be made significantly easier by you adding an option to the command. Thank you for the work that you do for us, I won't run a server without your mod.

  7. Please tell me there is a better way to repair chunk density errors. We run a fairly busy server and I spend roughly 30 mins every night going around the map fixing chunk density errors that were reported by players... after months of doing this, it's killing me.


    My current method:


    1. Go to the reported coordinate
    2. Walk to where I can see the problem and type "le" in console to get my current coordinates
    3. Type "rcd <x> <z>" (substituting x & z with the relevant coordinates)
    4. Remote into the server and check the log file, which is up to about 10mb for the day, scroll to the bottom and find the lines that say "2016-11-19T20:41:47 47091.502 WRN DENSITYMISMATCH;1830;114;174;6;114;14;-1;0;False"
    5. Go back into the game, type "rcd 1830 174 fix".


    There can be up to 8 density mismatch warnings at a given coordinates. I fly around for a bit repeating steps 1-5 and finding more mismatches before moving on to another area that was alerted.


    On a particularly bad night I can spend an hour going around just fixing these... it's too much. Hoping someone will tell me I've been silly and there is a much easier way to do this.

  8. I use the "killall" command to clean up these persistent zombies before a horde night. I've pointed this out to Alloc a few times. What really gets me on this issue is when the zombies are in unexplored areas or way out in the radiation zone.


    Hey schwanz9000, "help killall" command returns "kill all players". You *sure* that's the right one?


    Edit: As in, is there a way to parameterise the command to kill zombies only?

  9. Hi Alloc,


    In the screenshot below, the red squares indicate where the players are. Why are there zombies showing biomes away? Is the map incorrect or is there a chance that left behind zombies are keeping map chunks active consuming unnecessary server resources (including "MaxSpawnedZombies")? I know with another thread I posted on collapsing blocks/physics issues that zombies do keep chunks active and things will keep collapsing even if the player is miles away.


    The "le" command seems to only return "EntityZombie" close to me. There must be another command or your map must use some different mechanism because it'll show them regardless of player distance.


    Would it be worthwhile to consider a command that'll remove all entities map wide further than a specified distance from the nearest player? Coppi created a "removeentity" command, so if you think this is going too far outside of Alloc's fixes I'll chase it up with him.



  10. Yes, getting the same as Boa_2K7 on b88, but wasn't sure what caused it.


    2016-09-25T08:26:43 43023.728 INF Error in Web.HandleRequest(): UnityEngine.UnityException: Texture '' is not readable, the texture memory can not be accessed from scripts. You can make the texture readable in the Texture Import Settings.
     at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Texture2D:GetPixels (int,int,int,int,int)
     at UnityEngine.Texture2D.GetPixels (Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 blockWidth, Int32 blockHeight) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ItemIconHandler.LoadIcons () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Handlers.ItemIconHandler.HandleRequest (System.Net.HttpListenerRequest req, System.Net.HttpListenerResponse resp, AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.WebConnection user, Int32 permissionLevel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.NetConnections.Servers.Web.Web.HandleRequest (IAsyncResult result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

  11. A15 Pregen map and "rendermap" command?


    Hi Alloc,


    Madmole, will there be an option to generate the whole world when dedicated server starts? Would be very nice to have that option.


    No, its hard coded to pregen the map.


    For A15, does this mean we can now run the "rendermap" command and it'll build the entire map since it's been pregenerated?

    If possible, would be interesting to see how long it'll cause the server to be unavailable, as per:


    "NOTE that this will take a long time to execute (in the minutes) depending on how big the visited map is so far. During this time the server can not be used for playing or any commands."


    EDIT: Is there any way to throttle it so it leaves the server available for playing while it's building the map in the background?

  12. Thanks for rev. 272 (7_9_13) (2016-04-28. rlp command is working again!


    I'm using it on A14.5 and seems like the PM command is broken now:


    2016-04-29T13:20:11 1103.022 INF Executing command 'pm 222581 "Test"' from client 76561197999995114
    2016-04-29T13:20:11 1103.022 INF Error in SayToPlayer.Run: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'NetPackageGameMessage..ctor'.
     at AllocsFixes.CustomCommands.SayToPlayer.RunInternal (.ClientInfo _sender, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 _params) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
     at AllocsFixes.CustomCommands.SayToPlayer.Execute (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 _params, CommandSenderInfo _senderInfo) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  13. Nope, "/alloc" is my chat-hook example in the mod. Seems like somebody knew it and used it ;)

    He's got a bunch of additional stuff which might make sense to add. Will have to ask him if it's ok to copy it :)


    I'd like to add my expression of interest for the extended features from Coppi's mod. The two I'm particularly interested in are unlocking of securables (chests, doors, minibikes etc) and muting specific players.


    Another handy addition would be an easy way to despawn a minibike entity. If they get stuck inside a block, they can cause server wide FPS drops that cannot be stopped unless removed (or telling players they can never return to their home chunk).


    The problem is, you can't "kill" them. We have to fly over and hope it isn't passworded. If they are, we're SOL. If we're lucky and it isn't locked, we remove the parts one by one before lastly picking up the frame - this is very difficult to do at 1 FPS.

    Before using Coppi's mod to unlock the minibikes I had a few of them sitting on bedrock (or just below) for weeks.


    Thanks :)

  14. You know ... rlp would've been fixed within a day after A14 if anyone had told me you actually got an error in the log for using it ;)


    A new release with some other fixes and 14.6 b26 compatibility updates will be released later today.


    Sweet, that's excellent news. I checked the log though and didn't see any errors :/ Just nothing after typing the command. Either way, glad there's an update coming. *F5 F5 F5*

  15. Ever end up trying it out? Please let me know. Not being able to move LCB's is causing us major headaches.


    I can confirm the RLP command works perfectly fine on A14.5 with Coppi's mod - so I'll be using it for now.


    Although, I haven't had success using the "/grab lcb" command with CBSM yet, but that may be due to unrelated reasons.

  16. apparently allowing us server operators to manage our servers with these fixes are of no priority. see link below find posts #852, 853:





    Been over a week since that post..


    Coppi's does not work on my servers.


    Maybe if we offered Alloc some milk and cookies? They're nice Alloc, my grandma baked them and she said I should squeeze your cheeks when I see you. I refuse to do the latter..


    I have an additional question regarding something I noticed in my server output log:


    2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:21:55 5522.749 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
    2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:45:41 6948.843 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]
    2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF Sent chat hook reply to 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    2016-04-21T13:48:58 7145.949 INF GameMessage handled by mod: /alloc[ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff][ffffffff][/url][/b][/i][/u][/s][/sub][/sup][ff]


    Is this anything to be concerned about?


    Thank you

  17. Is there an ETA on fixing RLP yet?


    We've got a player that is unable to continue building on his base because somehow his landclaim is not associated to his profile anymore.

    Anyone familiar with this issue and have any other suggestions while RLP is not available?


    Anyone tried RLP with Coppi's mod fixes?

  18. Does anyone know how to add either fixed markers or highlighted areas on the map? I could have swore i seen someone have a "no PvP" highlighted area on their map but cant remember now where i seen it. Any pointers on if this is possible would be awesome. Also, off topic but while im here - where is it that you set spawn points for random gen games?


    There are probably better ways, but I just modified the "Mods\Allocs_WebAndMapRendering\webserver\background.jpg" image and put some text or a logo over it. In regards to spawning, I have had no luck myself. Modifying the "\Data\Worlds\Random Gen\spawnpoints.xml" file doesn't work and "Game Default Spawn Coords" in FrontrunnerTek doesn't work either.

  19. Use a RCON Tool to set the permissions


    webpermission add web.map 2000

    webpermission add webapi.getstats 2000

    webpermission add webapi.getlandclaims 2000

    webpermission add webapi.getplayerslocation 2000

    webpermission add webapi.getplayerinventory 2000


    Or open up webpermissions.xml (mines located in Saves) and copy/paste the following

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
           <!-- <token name="adminuser1" token="supersecrettoken" permission_level="0" /> -->
           <!-- <permission module="webapi.executeconsolecommand" permission_level="0" /> -->
           <!-- <permission module="webapi.getplayersonline" permission_level="1" /> -->
           <!-- <permission module="web.map" permission_level="1000" /> -->
           <permission module="web.map" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getstats" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.executeconsolecommand" permission_level="0" />
           <permission module="webapi.getlandclaims" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getplayersonline" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getplayerslocation" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getplayerinventory" permission_level="2000" />


    Check out the page alloc setup for more info: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Integrated%20Webserver#Permissions


    Thanks! That worked for me :)

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