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Posts posted by Zombob

  1. Hey there,


    it's Alpha 21.2 b14 at the moment and I had a strangely positive surprise last week concerning Vulkan.


    After doing my system updates on Linux Mint, it appeared that 7dtd would not load my savegame anymore. The game crashed after the loading screen reliably. So in order to get some debug information I ran the binary from the shell. But instead of a crash, the game started working again. And better than that: I tried to switch to the Vulkan renderer and did not have any lag since then so far. Admitted, I'm doing only 1-2 hour sessions at the moment but during that time it runs completely stable. The last time I tried to run the Vulkan renderer from the steam gui, lag occured after about 20 minutes game time.


    Are there still people out there having the Vulkan problem with Radeon on Linux? If so, please check if this works for you.


    1. Start Steam (the game needs it running in order to start)

    2. Open a shell at SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/

    3. Run the 7dLauncher.x86_64 binary

    4. Select the Vulkan renderer and start

  2. 1 hour ago, DEATH MECHANIC said:

    Other than having a NVIDIA card, we have a similar set up, even running 20.2 so maybe its something to do with the drivers.

    Yep, thats my impression as well - The open-source Mesa drivers are said to be very capable when it comes to Vulkan with AMD GPUs (RADV). Even better than the proprietary AMDVLK drivers of AMD in certain aspects. And Nvidia seems to be slacking behind when it comes to linux driver support... There is an Mesa open-source implementation for Nvidia GPUs (Mesa Nouveau), but it's reverse engineered and not officially supported by Nvidia. The last time I tried to drive an Nvidia GPU with Mesa Nouveau (maybe 3 years ago) it was horrible and couldn't even display the desktop without lag... You can switch it in the system settings driver app, if you dare ;)


    So maybe no other option than waiting for better proprietary drivers or a game patch from TFP?


    Thanks for the hints concerning mangohud, btw :)


  3. 8 hours ago, DEATH MECHANIC said:

    we have the same freezing issue with vulkan but it seems for different reasons




    Oh that sucks - I'm sorry...


    I have attached the log containing my config of yesterdays successful Vulkan run. Here everything went ok:



    I've also recorded GPU load with radeontop (I have a RX580 using mesa drivers, I think). When I ended my session, this was the max vram usage (76% @ 6GB)

    1640794688.912433: bus 01, gpu 67.50%, ee 0.00%, vgt 26.67%, ta 57.50%, sx 57.50%, sh 19.17%, spi 63.33%, sc 62.50%, pa 26.67%, db 57.50%, cb 41.67%, vram 76.07% 6196.87mb, gtt 29.80% 2439.52mb, mclk 100.00% 2.000ghz, sclk 100.00% 1.340ghz


    My system specs from the log:

    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.762 INF Version: Alpha 20 (b238) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20, Build: Linux 64 Bit
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.762 INF System information:
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.762 INF    OS: Linux 5.4 Linux Mint 20.2 64bit
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.780 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz (cores: 4)
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.780 INF    RAM: 15963 MB
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.781 INF    GPU: AMD RADV POLARIS10 (ACO) (8192 MB)
    2021-12-29T23:08:00 3.781 INF    Graphics API: Vulkan 1.1.0 [0x05400003] (shader level 5.0)



    I edited the "7DaysToDie.sh" in the games folder to enable mangohud. I still didn't manage to get it running with OpenGL, but this seems to be a known issue with mangohud on some configs. Using the Steam command line (mangohud %command%) also worked only with Vulkan.

    #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/i386/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
    #export MALLOC_CHECK_=0
    # -- Vulkan --
    export MANGOHUD=1
    # -- OpenGL -- (but doesn't work)
    #export MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1
    #export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mangohud/libMangoHud_dlsym.so:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mangohud/libMangoHud.so
    ./7dLauncher.x86_64 $@


  4. Ok, I think I've found a solution for this problem.       Nope, was just lucky, that it did not happen after 30 min. Still a problem

    As I said, the stutter appeared after a while and only when using mouse or keys, so something with input processing.


    After deactivating Steam Input (right click game  -> properties -> controller) I had a Vulkan session for 2h+ without any problems so far :)

    The settings now look like this:




  5. Thanks for the hints!

    "Good" to hear (or at least somewhat comforting) that others experience the problem as well.


    Yes, swapping back to OpenGL helped avoiding the massive stutter, although like DM said, visual quality and performance are way better with Vulkan (for 30 minutes :(). I still have the impression, that even with OpenGL rendering the game gets a bit sluggish after a while. But this can easily be caused by OpenGL beeing the bottleneck. I don't have any numbers yet and could not get mangohud running with OpenGL rendering so far. I also can't remember having these problems with A19 and Vulkan before...


    I haven't seen vram fill up completely. During the last Vulkan session I recorded radeontop output and vram got filled up to 70%. It then already became practically unplayable. I did not have any crashes caused by vram overflow.


    I am still convinced, that input processing has something to do with this in combination with Vulkan, since the frame drops even occured while moving the mouse in the in-game menu screen, like I said before. And without moving, I have solid 60 FPS (vsync).

  6. Hey Guys,

    since a few days I experience FPS drop from 60 to unplayable after 30+ min in single player game on linux (A20 latest build 238).

    I have tried to analyze this and can say, that its not GPU load, not CPU load, no mem swapping, not the "open file descriptor" problem on linux and not dynamic meshing (disabled).


    I just realized when using mangohud to display FPS, that its the mouse movement! As soon when I move the mouse, the FPS drop from 60 to slide show, even while pausing the game with ESC. If I don't move, frames are at 60 again... :)

    Not moving is boring - But if I try to quit to the title screen and reload the save, I get an crash every time the game is loading.


    Log is attached - Frame drop starts at 22:33 (it says 40 FPS, thats a lie/averaged, its less).

    Crash follows, but is too long for pastebin. If you're interested, I can mail it to you.






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