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Posts posted by drgnkght

  1. 18 hours ago, thepreston said:

    Excellent mod! Ran into a bug though (possibly), got perks in miner 69er and my crafting tier levels of shovels and pick axes are stuck at 1, although fire axes and claw hammers have gone up to tier 5 no problem. I looked through progression.xml and everything looks right, so idk what's wrong.

    @thepreston Thanks for the heads-up. I've fixed it.  I found a couple of other items that were broken (steel club and steel spear) while investigating this. I've fixed those also. Shouldn't cause any issues to update an existing game, but make a backup first to be safe.

  2. Personally, I think the Fun Pimps don't care about the jars at all. Jars aren't, and never were, the problem the Fun Pimps were trying to solve. In my opinion, the thing the Fun Pimps were trying to remove was access to environmental water. Environmental water isn't RNG/progression-gated. It's always there and available. So they couldn't restrict its availability in order to extend/balance the game. Removing the players' ability to collect environmental water as previously implemented required removing the glass jars so they're gone. I liked the jars as well, but asking for them to be restored is pointless. It would break the artificial scarcity they're attempting to enforce. (I think this is why they don't seem care about the water filter mod. You can't use it for crafting.)

  3. I don't care for the magazine skill books so I decided to create a mod to remove them. By the definition of this forum, this mod is considered a Modlet. However it modifies the basic crafting system by reverting the magazine skill system to the previous perk and schematic system. As such is probably almost certainly incompatible with other mods adding craftable items or blocks. And I wouldn't recommend adding it an existing save. (Or removing it from one either.)



    Removed Skill Magazines.

    Added Schematics removed in A21.


    Currently the localization is English only.


    Download: NoMagazinesA21

    Terms of Use: License


    Compatibility Mods

    For BFT2020-MCGA: NoMagazinesA21-MCGA-Compat

  4. I can't say exactly what is wrong, but I'd guess that something in the mod has an invalid UnlockedBy property. Basically the game is trying to display the descriptions of how to unlock the schematic and it's not finding it. It's not technically a UI issue.


    I've run into similar errors while working on a mod to convert A21 back to the old A20 style crafting.


    Could be that DF renamed/deleted something that those mods were using.


    EDIT: And I just noticed this was three months old..... Oops.

  5. On 9/27/2023 at 1:12 PM, Darthjake said:


    I demand a sunglasses mod to make my NVGs look like sunglasses!

    That's easy.

    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='apparelNightvisionGoggles']/property[@class='UMA']/property[@name='Mesh']/@value">gear_shades</set>
    	<set xpath="/items/item[@name='apparelNightvisionGoggles']/property[@class='UMA']/property[@name='Overlay0']/@value">gear_shades</set>


  6. Not to alarm the 7D devs, but I've got eight installs of 7D on *one* computer. I have more on my laptop.


    The Unity management are off their rockers if they think this will fly with existing games. And apparently this does apply to existing games. How the blazes does that work? Are they updating the Unity runtime of older games? Admittedly, I haven't read all 28 pages of that forum post but this sounds like a massive class action lawsuit brewing up.

  7. My worst start was my own fault. I started a RWG game and had the misfortune of spawning in the wasteland biome. No problem, I thought. I'll just be extra careful. So long story short: I wasn't. Died to something. Don't even recall what it was. To my surprise, I respawned in the same exact location as before. Just one minor problem, this time there was a dog behind me. I died nearly instantly. (At this point I need to mention that my first death happened while I didn't have a bedroll placed. I had it in my inventory at the time. I picked it up after completing that part of the starting quest. I planned to put it on top of a small wasteland structure.) I respawned again in the exact same spot. Apparently, that was the only spawn location on that map because despite being killed repeatedly, I always spawned in the same spot facing away from the dog.

  8. Recently I was playing 7 Days while watching a Rust Youtube video. I wasn't really paying much attention to the video at the time and it was basically just running in the background. At one point I noticed something interesting. During a section where the youtuber wasn't speaking, there was a bit of gun fire off in the distance. In 7 Days at the same time I was standing on my base looking out into the city around me and thought to my self that it was perfect as an ambient sound. It made it feel like there might be someone else out there (having a potentially bad day).


    So my question is: Has anyone ever made a ambient gun fire sounds mod for 7 Days to Die? Just curious more than anything. I've searched but not found anything like that anywhere.

  9. 19 hours ago, Syphon583 said:

    I watched that series by Jawoodle and it was excellent fun! Though, IIRC, the map he played on was custom-generated by a modder and I don't think the mod is available to the public. You can probably download the same map Jawoodle used. Also, to be clear, it wasn't one mega-sized city, it was several large cities in close proximity. Still fun, though!


    There's a Mod you can download and install to generate your own megacity. How well it works I can't say.



  10. 6 hours ago, theFlu said:

    Yeh, that's kinda why I felt compelled to add the options there; the quoted one feels like a bugged name, while the empty one might be a default "actually none" ... maybe there's some error spam to be found in log files if it's a name. :)

    I checked the Player.log file. I didn't see any error spam. Also tried value="". That caused an error. So, still not sure about "none", but it didn't work without it.

  11. 4 hours ago, theFlu said:

    The main difference there is that drgnkght's xpath will turn the xml into:

        <property name="TargetingSound" value="none"/>
        <property name="OverheatSound" value="none"/>
        <property name="WakeUpSound" value="none"/>


    EDIT: Or wait.. value=none , or just just value=  ..? One of the three, maybe ... :)


    Which may make a difference if there's a value inherited from somewhere - the commenting out would not remove an already existing value.


    But yeh, make it into an xpath-mod, it's easier to manage overall.

    You had it right the first time. Mod should set value=“none”. (Since we’re using XML the quotes are required.)


    As stated previously by others, removing the properties doesn’t work. You need to set a new value. I think you’re right, it’s inheriting the sound from a parent object. That said I’m not sure if none is a special value meaning “don’t play a sound” or just a sound name that doesn’t exist. It works so I don’t question it.😅

  12. I've played around a bit with the xml and if you want to silence the turrets, the following should do the trick:


    Create a folder in the Mods folder. Place the following XML file in it.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    		<Name value="Turret Noises Be Gone"/>
    		<Description value="Removes Turret noises (except gun fire)"/>
    		<Author value="drgnkght"/>
    		<Version value="A20"/>
    		<Website value=""/>


    Create a Config folder in it and put the following XML files in it.


        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='autoTurret']/property[@name='TargetingSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='autoTurret']/property[@name='OverheatSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='autoTurret']/property[@name='WakeUpSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='shotgunTurret']/property[@name='TargetingSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='shotgunTurret']/property[@name='OverheatSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/blocks/block[@name='shotgunTurret']/property[@name='WakeUpSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>



        <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name,'junkTurret')]/property[@name='TargetingSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name,'junkTurret')]/property[@name='OverheatSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>
        <setattribute xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name,'junkTurret')]/property[@name='WakeUpSound']" name="value">none</setattribute>


  13. 1. The cooking tools can be made in a forge if you can't find them. One of the better spots to find the cooking tools is the food truck. It always has a cooking pot and sometimes the grill.


    2. To make a forge you will need leather. Hunting will get you that, but it's a lot safer to breakdown leather furniture. Once you get the forge up and running a lot of opportunities open up. The plant fiber stuff isn't armor by the way. It's just really bad clothing. Almost(?) everything else is better clothing. Look for padded or scrap armor to start with.


    3. To respec you will need Grampa's Forgettin' Elixer. You have to buy it from a trader, if I remember correctly. Doing the tutorial will give you 4 points. This is by no means a recommendation but my first five points always go into Sexual Tyrannosaurus, Iron Gut, Run and Gun, Master Chef, and Advanced Engineering. From there it varies depending on the build. (Others will undoubtedly tell you why that's a bad set of choices. 😅)

  14. 15 hours ago, Pernicious said:

    Then why don't we need to eat brains?!?!

    The 7dtd zombies never seem to target your head when you "die". If you look at the death animation, they seem to be targeting your midsection, i.e. organs. Also, most of the corpses lying around are missing their part of their torso and legs. The heads are mostly intact. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that 7dtd zombies do not eat brains. 🙂

  15. On 5/25/2022 at 10:09 PM, Jinx_DG said:

    I once watched someone who Knew Nothing about the Game. Had never seen it, played it, or watched it before. He struggled with the campfire for soooo long since it looked liked the pot and grill where already there. It only lasted for 1 in game week and had commentary by seasoned 7dtd who watched it. (the player & one of the commentators are related)

    That would probably be IGC's Fresh Meat series for anyone who's interested in seeing it. (Some of it is hilariously funny, other bits are tremendously frustrating to watch.)

  16. Just the other day I saw a post on the Steam forums that posited a theory about the main character. As part of the theory it covered skills, healing, lack of sleeping, the traders, military installations, and the blood moon.


    TLDR: You're a variant zombie, a super soldier experiment to be exact.


    (Though not in the forum post, this would also explain the odd radiation barriers at the edges of the map.)

  17. On 5/30/2022 at 6:32 PM, ElCabong said:

    This is normal. It was going after you not your motorcycle, you must have moved in it swooped past you. If you're on your motorcycle and you hit something that stops you, they will attack. If you have a train of them behind you and you log off, they will attack you as you're logging back on and kill you. There's a period of time when you're not quite in the world and not quite outside of it and they're able to do you damage but you're not able to do anything about it.

    Not sure that was the case, as it nailed my bike several times after I got off to fight it. I'd accept once, i.e. the attack sequence was already running when I disembarked, but I don't think that would explain multiple attacks (I wasn't between the vulture and the bike. I was off to the side, and vulture was completely ignoring me.).... Maybe the AI thought I was still on the bike for some reason?

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