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Posts posted by TrickyPiston

  1. The best way to find eggs is looting birds nests, I find that to become repetitive in the late game. Being able to craft a chicken coop would give players a way to passively farm a renewable source of eggs. Recipes including eggs would likely need to be tweaked as well to account for the increased number of eggs a player might have. (or not, perhaps even an egg every 2-3 days)


    I’m unsure of the right way to implement a chicken coop since getting chickens, let alone any animals, to go where you’d like is difficult. Perhaps a farming perk could include a way to capture a chicken for the crafting recipe; Or you would just craft it and a chicken would already be inside the coop, maybe implied to be inside from hearing occasional clucks and flaps.


    Anyways, I’ve been enjoying Alpha 20 a ton and this is my first post on the forums. Apologies if it’s not formatted or tagged correctly.

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