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Posts posted by Goemaat

  1. My internet provider has been slacking and for the last few weeks my connection has been dropping occasionally, usually only for 15 seconds or so, but that is enough for my connection to drop to the server I play on.  This really affects my questing.  It is really frustrating when I'm 90% done with that T4 restore power and the quest resets (or when I'm on the last area for a T5).   If it is after 1:00 am, I can't restart the quest.   When I leave and do other things and come back the next night, it says the area is unavailable.  I have to drop the quest and pick another after waiting an entire in-game day thinking I could do the quest the next night.


    1) Dropping connection shouldn't reset a quest.  Maybe there could be some sort of delay so if you come back on in 5 minutes you can continue.  Maybe longer...   Zombies and items won't have respawned yet, I think it should be easy to save the current quest details with the player.


    2) The time window for restore power is VERY limiting.  I would love to see it expanded to 8 pm to 4 am or something.  I don't really know why it's a night-only quest, why can't you restore power in the daytime?  I do see some lights come on at night that weren't on before, but I can't think how that would matter much if at all to the quest.  They are fun quests, and sometimes my trader has 4 of them.

  2. It would be nice to have an option to 'repair only' for repair tools like the stone axe, hammer, and nailgun.  Accidentally upgrading blocks I'm trying to repair or near ones I'm trying to repair is a pain.  When upgrading a horde base (or any really) from cobblestone to concrete or concrete to steel it is usually best to upgrade key components with the limited new resources available and leave others a lower tier, but still keep them repaired.  Accidentally upgrading some blocks to steel wastes resources and is unsightly, requiring paint to make them look like concrete...


    This option could be a radial mode like with the paint brush, select 'repair only' or 'repair and upgrade', maybe 'repair and upgrade' too.  Or it could be something like holding shift or being in crouch mode will repair only and not upgrade...


    I'm absolutely loving the new shapes by the way.   And I think the lowered HP for smaller blocks is a great idea, I remember assuming that was the case for a long time after I started the game.

  3. I think a more serious nerf is needed.  It reloads so fast that the magazine capacity isn't really an issue.  The lowered magazine is enough to take care of any group of mobs I found in the world, and I just reload after every couple zombies anyway.  I had a quality 6 pipe machine gun that was better than quality 4 AK-47s I'd found so I was still using it until I found a quality 5 M60.


    I'm thinking lower damage and accuracy, because hey, it's a pipe and not a rifled steel barrel.  Right now there's little reason to use the hunting rifle (I sure don't) because the machine gun does about as much damage, is about as accurate, and isn't single-shot.  Actually improving the reload speed on the hunting rifle, pistol, and shotgun would be nice to make them actually useful.

  4. I very frequently use the inventory sorting button, and the button that moves items to fill stacks on first click and move extra items on second click button.  There are too many items in the game to store all of a type in a storage box, so I usually want to quickly move the items I've gathered questing into 4-5 storage boxes when I come back from questing.  Having a hotkey for these options would be welcome.


    Even better than a hotkey would be using the mouse middle button click.  Click the middle button on an inventory (or container inventory) to sort it.  Shift+MiddleButton could fill stacks and the second Shift+MiddleButton would move other items that are in the container.


    On a similar note, I would LOVE it if forge input slots would be treated like an inventory in that you could fill up/move stacks using Shift+Click instead of having to drag and drop.

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