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Record Comments posted by hollowWays

  1. Hello, I wanted to give you an update. At the time I was first having this problem I tried playing other games (and even ran a benchmark) to see if it was a problem with my hardware, but didn’t have any issues. Unfortunately I recently discovered that I’m starting to have problems with other games too, and now it seems more like it might be an issue with my actual GPU, as any game I try to play is now crashing. I appreciate the help up to this point, and I’m going to contact support for my PC and see if the GPU might need to be replaced. I’ll let you know if anything changes and it doesn’t end up being a hardware issue, but for now it does seem to be a problem on my end. Thanks for the help!

  2. Okay, so I tried updating DX11 and it didn't seem to make a difference. I have also tried several older drivers (including the OEM recommended driver - I use the latest NVidia driver normally), and they didn't seem to make a difference either. 

    I verified the game files twice and then I booted up using GLcore and it crashed as soon as I loaded into the world as well. The log ends abruptly after "PlayerSpawnedInWorld" and there's no crash report. When I tried Vulkan it also crashed, but it did provide a crash report. The log stated "Vulkan - Out of memory!" and the error log stated something similar to the DX11 crash: "UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0033:3a6e3c52."

    Here are the Vulkan logs if you want to look at them:

    output: https://pastebin.com/2aYv6van


    error: https://pastebin.com/016uYapD

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