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Posts posted by VerliZero

  1. The healing works automatic and seems to be aplied after you loose a certain amount of healthpoints 
    with my current 130 healthpoints the drone aplies a first aid bandage to me as soon as i drop below 80 health 
    the ability also has a cooldown of 17 seconds and is not aplied if curent mealth and max health are the same even if your maximum is like 70 out of 130 
    it will however aply first aid if you have a bleeding or laceration for medkits that could be fixed up

    i would recommend not using normal bandages as they dont recover health so the drone will keep on aplying them whenever your below that certain health point even if they dont do anything for you at all 


    but i have to agree with the original post, the fact that the description says helps you fight is misleading since the drone itself doesnt seem to have any ofensive abilities 
    maybe theyll add more mods in the future 

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