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Posts posted by Piecekeeper00

  1. Hey actually you seem to be pretty good with dedicated servers.


    Simple question so I don't lose my world.


    I have a dedicated server on Nitrado and just generated a world.


    So in the XML gameworld is RWG

    My seed is Necropolis

    Size is 10240


    I restarted the server and bam it generated the world within 20 minutes according to the logs.


    But now if we want to change some settings I'm afraid it's going to generate a new world every time it restarts. Is that how it works or I can just leave it and restart at will without any problem?

  2. 20 hours ago, SapphoSihn said:

    I generate on a dedicated using the .xml. I used A19's 8k 'HebephrenicDecimalization' and one, it did not blow up the server and two, looks amazing and mirrors the same results for POIs and the creation of megacities in the documented biomes. The road systems and trail systems interconnect smoothly. Trails end with a POI instead of nowhere very consistently. I did not see very many isolated POIs. There were six skyscrapers but, they all did not end up in megacities. Some were in smaller cities and towns. Everything about the map had a more "expected human engineering" feel to it. And the natural areas seemed more natural. Like, no more pot holed fields of unrunnable and undrivable wilderness. No more "bathtubbed" POIs surrounded by stamped cliffs that you plunge headlong down in freefall. A20 <3<3<3

    That's awesome.


    I'm also running a dedicted on Nitrado and was going to use RWG for our next adventure. A big one size 10240.


    I was wondering one thing though, I don't see any settings like Towns/Rivers/POIs etc in the config files like there is in the single player or in-game UI like the screenshots above.


    How do we configure those on a dedicated, or can we even?

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