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Posts posted by Slyman666

  1. 10 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    there is alot of info in the prefab thread already lol just in diff threads. there is alot to go thru i have some on the cp discord. you are welcome to join and we all can assist and eventually i will get to providing a full documentation on the process have already done some videos tho as well. 



    I tried search on google and in this forum but It always pointing at me a19 stuff or how to use Nitro or Kingen.
    I already made around 40 custom prefabs but I never use them in the 7days random generation. The new A20 generation is pretty great.

    Anyway, thanks for your help! I will take a look for sure at compo pack discord. I really enjoyed it on A19 :)

  2. 12 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    The shotty factory has been sized to 100x100 


    Wilderness you can go bigger any size. Rural can go bigger upto 150x150

    Is there any documentation or any link somewhere i can follow?
    It could be cool to have all this information in one place. So I will be able to do my prefab correctly :)
    For now, thanks a lot for all information you already gave me!

  3. 3 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Add the prefab to the prefab folder.  In prefab editor make sure the tags are correct like what district 


    Then make sure correct size is used 25x25,42x42,60x60,100x100 downtown doesn't have a 100x100 marker on the tile tho.


    Add correct driveway to the district via the part spawned.  


    Downtown and commercial don't need driveways.  


    Oh ok, so now they are automatically added to the game if they are in prefab folder?
    I don't understand why there is a size to be used. I see very big prefab spawn in the game (Like the big shotgun messahia) but they are still spawned in the world.
    How I can use big prefab with this?

  4. Hi there survivors!

    I was wondering how to add my custom prefab to the game random generation?
    I know there are KingGen and Nitrogen but I want to keep the 7Days generation.

    Apparently on previous version some people change rwgmixer.xml to add or remove prefab, but it seems this files changes because there is no prefab list anymore into this files.
    Is there anything about it in A20?



  5. On 12/9/2021 at 4:53 PM, Fleshus said:

    Thank you for this feedback, I too have used these commands and it works well!
    I also had some blocks that I had to replace manually including the coffin and also a wire mesh that I had put on a barbecue, the wire mesh block still exists but we can no longer put it horizontally. And we can no longer place a backpack block on a wall :( 

    A little more annoying the custom settings of lights are correctly loaded and the effects too but the color of the block itself remains white. At worst I would copy the parameters to another lamp then put a new one and re-copy the parameters, that should do it ... Anyway I have to review my lights for better performance ...


    You're welcome! Thanks for your feedback too!

    I just saw there is a .nim with prefab. I tried to edit it using text file editor to update object name with new one, but the  7days editor can't take it. It corrupted the file. So it's not possible to update prefab directly in the data. It seems we don't have choice to edit each prefab from editor.


    And oh, I didn't notice the light color didn't update too 😕 I'm gonna need to check it too.

    So yea, manual edition in prefab editor seems to be the best way for now.
    I don't know if it would be better to wait A20 stable for this. Maybe they will do something for it.


  6. I used the command show in the link (prefabupdater loadtable and then prefabupdater updateblocks)

    It work for all my prefabs. But some block are still missing.
    I check in the console and most of the time it's MicroWave and Stove object. They apparently remove the Microwave and Stove object with random loot (the ones who set object randomly open or close) It's not existing anymore.

    I don't know if it was intended by dev, but I think it will be better to wait until A20 stable. Maybe they will set it back or do something.

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