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Posts posted by GrumpyAverageGamer

  1. -Server- G.A.G Darkness Falls Insane -


    -Mods- Darkness Falls Fast Nailgun / Faster Smelting 2.0 Fr3ak41 / Quicker Crafting / Car Respawner / JRB_Zombielootdrop / KHA19-Log Spikes / z30k item stack


    -Installation Guide- https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 1. Click the 3 dots in the top right and select "Download as Zip". 2. The zip file you downloaded should be called "DarknessFallsA20.zip". Open it in your favourite unzipping program (7-Zip recommended as it's good and free!) 3. Inside the zip file, you should find 2 files (an icon file and serverconfig.xml) and a single folder called Mods. This folder contains ALL the files the mod needs. 4. Open steam, right-click 7 Days to Die and select properties. 5. In the new window, select "Local Files" and then "Browse". This will open your 7 days to die directory. 6. If you don't want to run vanilla AND the mod, drag all the files from the zip you opened (and should've kept open) into the window where 7 Days to Die is. 7. In the 7 Days to Die directory, you will see 2 EXE files. 7DaystoDie.exe and 7DaystoDie_EAC.exe. Run 7DaystoDie.exe as Darkness Falls is NOT compatible with EAC. 8. Enjoy the mod!

  2. Found something in an old thread. Instead of deleting this hopefully it may help someone in the future! The fix is:


    You need permission level 90 or less on the server. If you are the server admin you can give yourself that permission level and if you are not then you need to request the admin to give you that permission level.

  3. A19.6

    From Dusk Till Dawn Insane

    "PVE 200% XP Insane w/ 3 day Bloodmoons!"

    PVE more xp, loot and bags! Discord channel must be typed exactly with upper case and lower case discord channel https://discord.gg/v4Ys7Fr. Rules: No drop mining! During Bloodmoon DO NOT mess with other players loot bags! Empty loot containers, don't be a @%$# leaving your trash for someone else!"



    From Dusk Till Dawn Adventurer
    PVE 200% Loot and XP

    PVE more xp, loot and bags! Discord channel must be typed exactly with upper case and lower case discord channel https://discord.gg/v4Ys7Fr. Rules: No drop mining! During Bloodmoon DO NOT mess with other players loot bags! Empty loot containers, don't be a @%$# leaving your trash for someone else!"

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