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Posts posted by Mistwraith

  1. 21 hours ago, Skullfracture said:

    Having a problem at Warren Farm. When I reach the bottom (I think) of the pit, where there is a stone tunnel entrance, the terrain glitches out and I am teleported about halfway back up and dropped, same thing happens to zombies.


    There is one right next to my starting trader in a new game, so I deleted the save, reused the save name to get the same spawn and it had the same glitch.


    Thank you for this info. Never happened once during tests. I will look into that.

    Can you tell me at which height the prefab was placed as it occured?


    Edit: Figured it out. From top to bottom Warren farm is 51 blocks deep. If it gets placed below about 45 blocks, it reaches bedrock (Block 0) which will cause the teleport. The fast solution to this is not to go in there if its placed below block 45. For a real solution I have to figure out how high the lowest generated terrain is, to (re)make the prefab not as deep.

    I am on it.


    Edit II: Fixed. The prefab does not reach down below bedrock anymore.




    Angel Home (Request)


    Tier: 1

    Lot size: 25x25 including a 2 block empty border, all invisible textures stripped, no lights.

    Location(s): CountryResidental & CountryTown

    This is a very small and simple basic home with virtually no loot in it, but a cellar to start a mining operation with. It was requested as basicaly an extra storage place and starting point for mining, without having to look at an ugly hole next to ones base.



    City Park 01


    Tier: 4

    Lot size: 42x42 including a 2 block empty border, all invisible textures stripped, no overlapping lights.

    Location(s): Downtown

    [City Park 01 never got much love from the community. Soon after it was built it became a gathering place for junkies and homeless people, that where drawn here like moths to light. Over time, party people gathered here as well, feeling drawn to this otherwise boring place. Nobody remembered why this unremarkable park motivated them to keep coming back in the middle of night. They only knew they have had a great time there and will visit it again.]

    This prefab was inspired by the discontinued pen&paper roleplaying game "Vampire: The Masquerade" from White Wolf. It is a dungeon with a single way that requires no destruction on the players part to get through. If you want all the loot however, you need to do some breaking and entering.



    Lorena Mall (reworked)


    Tier: 5

    Lot size: 100x100 including a 2 block empty border, all invisible textures stripped, no overlapping lights.

    Location(s): Commercial

    This is a mall with an extra fast-food restaurant in the front. The main building is a dungeon with one way through it all, without having to break a single thing. There are secret areas that, of course, you need to find and break in.

    The first version was too easy to get trough, this version is a challenge.



    Mozart Conservatory


    Tier: 3

     Lot Size: 42x42 including a 2 block empty border, all invisible textures stripped, only a single light.

    Location(s): Commercial

    Quest: Clear

    This prefab is for free roaming, for when you are not in the mood for a lenghty dungeon crawl. It may look like a lot of rooms but it is a conservatory for music, featuring small halls. Some musical students still inhabitat the area, and because their training wasn't complete yet, there may be screaming instead of singing.




    Warren Farm


    KNOWN ISSUES: This prefab reaches very far underground. If it is placed below about block 45, it will reach under the bedrock (block 0) which will cause the player to teleport back up when she/he reaches this depth. FIXED. The prefab does not reach down below bedrock anymore.

    Tier: 5

    Lot Size: 60x60 including a 2 block empty border, all invisible textures stripped, only a single light.

    Location(s): CountryTown & Rural

    Quest: Fetch

    [There where a lot of rumors about this farm ever since it was built during the late 1800's. People told storys of witchcraft, people gone mad and of unpleasant sensations of unknown origin within that area. Shortly before the apocalypse started, a sinkhole appeared beneath the building and swallowed it whole. The team that was sent to secure the area discovered ruins of unknown origin in the dephts. Another team, consisting of city officials, the military, archeologists and city workers where assembled to analyse and date the findings. But as soon as they had finished first construction works and began to climb down, disaster struck and zombies roamed the earth. What happened to the people underground is unknown.]

    This prefab was inspired by the Chutullu mythos by H.P. Lovecraft. It is a pretty forward dungeon with a single path through it, but it has secret areas you need to find when you are there for the quest. No destruction needed anywhere. It's dark in there, bring a light source.

    The best experience is achieved when going in there by night. It doesn't make any difference according to light, but at day, the birds will chirp underground as well, ruining mood.


  3. I have made this tiny setup here to test this out, and everything works just fine when using a vanilla generator for energy.

    It closes and opens as intended.


    My guess is, that the power source mod you are using does not work as intended anymore. A lot of mods broke with the release of A20, as is common in games that get an update.


    You could try to make a minimal setup similar to the one you wish to have and try it out with the vanilla generator instead and see if it works.


    Another idea is, to check if the power cables are attached properly still. Perhaps it's only an issue with them.



  4. Lights that are placed within the editor dont need any power sources. They turn on as you switch them on and will stay on indefinitely.

    Although it seems to be possible to connect source and consumer with cables within the editor, all the cables are gone once you start a playtest or place the asset ingame.


    This means you have to connect everything ingame and also place lights ingame if you want it to consume energy because "editor lights" and "ingame lights" are not the same.


    It's a bit of cheating in my opinion, but you can always place your lights in the editor, turn them on without connecting them to anything and they will give light ingame just fine. Dont forget to NOT have the lights overlap, tough. This will cause lag.


    This is not a bug, this is a feature (I guess) for asset creators. I build a ton of stuff currently and I would go crazy if I had to connect everything as well a building, painting and decorating.

  5. That didnt do the trick. After deleting everything and starting without the prefab into the game, just to see what happens, the prefab was still there.


    So I figured, that I just create a new map (Stallion Island) and try it again. And it finaly worked. Thank you for trying to help me out, but I messed something up in the world editor most likely. Still no idea what i was, but at least its working now.



  6. 50 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Check the yoffset on the prefab and make sure the ground level is correct


    If you mean within the .xml, then I did that already. There is no visible difference between  an offset of -10, -84 or +100.

    If there are other means to manipulate the y offset, I would be happy to hear about them.



    I just discovered, that when enabling "Show ground level" within the world editor, there is a floating copy of the asset at the height where it gets (wrongly) placed in the game.

    The options to move it are grayed out, however.




  7. Hello.


    I created a little prefab with a cellar and tryed to place that into a world. When I place it, everything seems to be alright. But when loading my game, it sits atop a high pillar of earth and concrete.


    Within the editor, I have set the ground level to the right height, and in play testing, it IS correctly placed on the ground. As soon as I start a game, however, it sits atop its pillar again.


    I tryed editing the y offset in the prefabs .xml file, but this doesnt change a thing. Also, when placing it within the editor, the prefab seem to be handled by the engine as if the ground level is the floor of the cellar. It has to be manualy lowered, so that it appears to be on ground level, otherwise its to high.

    Lowering it by any amount, however, doesnt do a thing. Ground level is block 60 in this chunk, but it gets placed at lvl 144 no matter how high or low I place it within the editor.


    Please help me out here, I tryed the whole afternoon and evening to figure this out and found no solution yet.




  8. 2 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    Not have to. Especially on the difficulty you are playing. On this difficulty, you can complete the game with a torch as a weapon. True, the speed of completing will be similar to the speed of completing with a bow.

    Okay, so in theory you could enjoy playing the game without improving perks. Would that make unimproving perks useful?


    Its not useful, of course. And I personaly improve them. Improving your skills is part of games and the reward for your troubles. But if someone likes it that way, why not?


    But I really dont understand why you cant live with the fact, that different people enjoy different stuff. Some people like rap, others dont. Some people like movies ... others dont.

    Thats the way it is. Nobody is superior or inferior because of his or her choice of entertainement. Whats so hard about that?


    If we talk efficiency or PvP .... thats another matter. I will totally shoot your sorry ass with an M60 in PvP, but in PvE I have another taste. Like everyone else. But I see, that you cannot take it, that other people are different from you. So, just believe that others are inferior to you. Good bye, have a nice day, have fun playing the game and good loot to you. I am out of the discussion with you.

  9. 1 minute ago, bachgaman said:



    We could call these "different styles" if they gave the same result. This is not the case. Playing with bow and stealth on Warrior difficulty is like riding a bike with square wheels.



    Would you say that riding with square wheels is a different style of bike handling? I would not say so. I would find a better word


    I would call it "enoyable".

    Sometimes I just want to murder a crapton of mobs, thats the time Serious Sam has to be dusted off again, or a game from the Borderlands series.

    Another time I want my hardcore RPG strategy, and Dragon Age and the like deliver.

    And another time I want my Survival/Crafting game and have the feeling I have to sneak around in zombie infested areas that are lethal to me when detected.


    Its just a question of my current mood for me. Am I in the mood for stealth kills, sneaking away and feeling threatened? Then its 7DTD. For action, I have plenty of other games.

    Am I in the mood for ripping apart gang members with mantis blades while listening to metal music? Then its Cyberpunk2077 today.


    Different people have fun with different experiences. And handicapping yourself IS enjoyable for some players. Me included. Not every time. Not in every game. But in a survival game I was looking for survival, not for Call of Duty.


    If you enjoy the Call of Duty style in 7DTD, if its fun to you, then go for it and let me wish you fun and good loot.

    But its not always about efficiency. Games are also about emotions.

  10. 24 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    Many others use the bow and stealth as well. 


    One of the best silent weapons in the game.


    100% on board with that. My wife only uses the bows and crossbows, old Skyrim habit. I by myself use silenced guns only for testing them out currently, but will defenitely switch back to the Compound bow after that.

    With high enough stealth and light armor at max, you can go up to a sleeper and point the arrow directly at their face, one-shooting them every time. Another plus side: They are completely silent. When clearing a skyscraper I really dont want a screamer to interrupt me.


    But even silenced guns generate heat. And that is an absolutely correct design decision. Everyone who was shooting silenced by themself will tell you, that silenced guns are NOT silent.


    I will mention, after hyping the bow, that maces are equally wonderful. They generate no heat and you one-hit _most_ zombies with a running flung at max perk.

    6 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


    Man, you play the warrior difficulty and you stealthing from something, why are you writing about the personal skills to play? 😂


    I still do not see the conditions in which I should choose a bow and stealth, not an AK/shotgun and barter/adventurer. All your cool stories have no weight yet


    Different people prefer different play styles. No one has more or less weoght because he or she enjoys to playing their games another way. Thats the wonderfull thing with most games. You can choose between different styles. You can choose the one thats fun for YOU.

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