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Posts posted by Grimbold

  1. I play with a constant group of players in a cooperative environment and we are finding the game is not scaling properly.  Perhaps we are outliers because we work together but playing on Nomad levels and above, we are finding the game rather easy.  Even horde nights where we have the maximum zombies set for 200 are not challenging.  As a group of 4-6, we generally have a forge and cement mixer by day 2 and a reinforced steel base by our first horde night.  We love the game but we're now playing at 25% experience level with no guns allowed to try to give ourselves more of a challenge.  Surely something can be done?  If 2 or 3 people are grouped together, can the number of zombies in POIs be doubled?  Multiple zombies are far more dangerous than a few tough ones.  I would personally LOVE to open a door and have 10 zombies pour through the door!  Now THAT would be scary!  Other approaches could be adjustments to the loot tables, weather, increased chances to be stunned or suffer injury, super-zombies, giant wandering hordes of zombies,  and so on.  There are plenty of design space to work with in this area. These are just my thoughts but I haven't seen many people bring this issue up.  

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