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Posts posted by Strifetoe007

  1. Hey everyone, 


        Fields of Strife is a PVE, Custom Zombie, Quality of life, and a heavy progression based server. Looking for something to keep you busy and entertained for a long period of time? then come check us out and maybe see how it is like. A few things we offer and some things you need to know before joining.


    Our discord is https://discord.gg/YujhbMP3Md  please stop by and chat with us if you have any questions.


    • PVE currently but planning to add PVP zones.
    • Just wiped 9/3
    • We use a modpack clientside called Strifemodpack, it contains several other mods into one pack for easy download and placement. Link is in our discord.
    • We have Custom vehicles, 50 or so extra guns and custom zombies that were created to give you a fun and often tough experience.
    • Active owner and admins.
    • Raid POI meaning you have to teleport in to use and can win nice prizes if completed (end game players) 
    • All vehicles are craftable except a few that can only be found in loot at rare chance.
    • FOS.png.b91f73844d923686c4ccdf09bda36c3b.png

    COME GIVE US A CHANCE, I know some hate client mod packs but it will be worth it I promise :)

  2. Ok so I have been trying to figure out how to edit this loot.xml to where higher tier items don’t drop until. A certain game stage . I was a level 7 and in a safe and a herobox I got a rank 3 sniper , rank 1 auger, rank 2 steel spear and a rank 3 tac rifle. That seems a bit overpowered for new players on my server , there a way to where I can say player gs 1,50 prob of getting 3,4,5,6 is zero ?


    this is the only file I can’t seem to understand or maybe a mod that will make it easier for me?



  3. We are a new server that was made to be difficult and brutal , with extra zombie mods and insane difficulty we strive to give our players a challenge. Tired of playing on servers with shops that make the game easy, or insane rates or easy zombies that kills the fun? Then check us out . We are improving each day and adding more .


    PVE with PVP zone.

    protected bases In PVE zones so you don’t have to lose if you have a life !

    enzombie and snuff mod for harder zombies and a crazier experience!

    community center with all 5 traders open 24/7 and a safe spot to harbor our horde night until you are ready(it is not meant as a horde base)


    No community horde bases , everyone has to do it on their own.


    some hidden weapons and armor that are super rare ! See if you can find them !


    poi that are built as end game raid locations to earn gear and test your abilities !


    no wipe server (unless it’s 2.0) so keep your progress .


    Deeze zombie guts in ya mouth PVE-PVP zone


    port 7520



    /base and /return for traveling around back to base (cooldown)


    Switch regions?


  4. 19 hours ago, ErrorNull said:

    There are several ways to add new zombies from one mod to another. In this case with Snufkin zombies...


    Option 1 - appending the new zombies to existing zombies in Snufkin mod across all spawner groups. Go into the entitygroups.xml file of Snufkins mod and use the following xml template:


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='EXISTING_VANILLA_OR_SNUFKIN_ZOMBIE']">
        <entity name="ENZOMBIE_NAME" prob="NUMBER"/>
        <entity name="ENZOMBIE_NAME" prob="NUMBER"/>
      	... and more rows if desired ...


    For example this can be:


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieBoe']">
        <entity name="enDesertMale1" prob="0.5"/>
        <entity name="enForestFemale1" prob="1.0"/>
    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='ZombieBomber']">
        <entity name="enWastelandMale3Feral" prob="0.40"/>
        <entity name="enFarmerFemale1Radiated" prob="0.25"/>


    This tells the game to go through all spawning groups within entitygroups.xml and wherever it finds the vanilla zombie "zombieBoe", it will add the enZombies "enDesertMale1" and "enForestFemale1" after it, and using those spawn probability values. Likewise, whenever it finds the snufkin zombie called "ZombieBomber", it will add the enZombies "enWastelandMale3Feral" and "enFarmerFemale1Radiated" for a chance to spawn as well. this method applies to all zombie groups in the game, so it will search through all zombies groups like for wilderness spawns, screamer hordes, bloodmoon hordes, wandering hordes, and not just sleeper POIs.

    Option 2 - appending the new zombies to Snufkin mod for specific zombie groups. Go into the entitygroups.xml file of snufkins mod and use the following xml template:


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='EXISTING_ZOMBIE_GROUP']">
        <entity name="ENZOMBIE_NAME" prob="1"/>
        <entity name="ENZOMBIE_NAME" prob="1"/>
      	... add more rows if desired ...


    for example this can be:


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombieBikerBarGroupGS1']">
        <entity name="enBiker1" prob="1"/>
        <entity name="enStripper2" prob="0.8"/>
    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesWastelandNight']">
        <entity name="enWastelandFemaleCrazy" prob="0.9"/>
        <entity name="enSwatMale2" prob="0.5"/>


    ZombieBikerBarGroupGS1 is the zombie group that gets used for strip clubs and trailer park POIs. The above code will add enZombies "enBiker1" and "enStripper2" to also spawn as part of this group. Likewise, ZombiesWastelandNight is the zombie group responsible for spawning wilderness zombies in the wasteland biome at night. That XML example will ensure enZombies "enWastelandFemaleCrazy" and "enSwatMale2" have a chance to spawn there. FYI - the zombie group called "sleeperHordeStageGS1" is responsible for many of the sleeper zombies inside POIs.


    As you can see, Option 2 gives you much more control to spawn zombies into specific areas of the map, but the drawback is it's a tedious process because there are many zombie groups inside entitygroups.xml. For example, the zombie group above called "ZombieBikerBarGroupGS1" also has ZombieBikerBarGroupGS50, ZombieBikerBarGroupGS100, ZombieBikerBarGroupGS200, ZombieBikerBarGroupGS400... where the numbers 50, 100, 200, 400, etc represent the players gamestage for which that spawn group will trigger. To view all the possible zombie groups out there, go into the entitygroups.xml file that's inside the vanilla configuration -- inside the /Data/Config folder.

    Another option instead of the above, is to start with my enZombies mod as the base, and then add the Snufkin zombies to that. I've already done the tedious work of identifying all the possible zombie groups and packaged it into the Snufkin Zombies Add-on. All you do is download the enZombies mod and the Snufkin Zombies Add-on, then edit the entitygroups.xml file from within the Snufkin Zombies Add-on, and you are on your way. If you have more questions about this method, feel free to post up on my enZombies thread as I wouldn't want to muddy up this thread with enZombie mod troubleshooting, since it belongs to Arramus' Snufkin mod. 😎




    So just to be clear, I want to add Snuffkin zombies to en zombie mod so i can have both mod zombies in my sleeper volumes when I make prefabs. I need to edit the entitygroups.xml IN the snuffkin to append to /entitygroups?

  5. So if I want to elimate probability of all tier 6 loot dropping and only have then drop in custom boxes I created is there a mod for this or anyone know how I can manage this ? I’m guessing changing all loot prob to 0 for tier 6 loot or changing to max 5 then after telling the custom box to have max 6?

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